
'Star Wars Battlefront 2' Rumors: Iden Versio and Her Droid

Versio is the main protagonist of 'Star Wars Battlefront 2's' Story Mode

"Star Wars Battlefront 2" is aiming to build upon the shortcomings of its predecessor, and one of the ways it is doing so is by featuring a single-player Story Mode.

For those who may have missed it, the sequel's Story Mode will allow players to take control of a character named Iden Versio, the commander of an elite Imperial Special Forces unit known as the Inferno Squad.

There was still a lot yet to be revealed about Versio's full array of skills and abilities, but if there was one thing known, it is that she will be accompanied and even assisted by a droid.

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In an earlier video posted by the "BattlefrontUpdates" YouTube channel, it was revealed that Versio's droid is not just some cosmetic addition thrown in by the developers to make things look a bit more interesting in the Story Mode.