Stephen Baldwin to Start NYC Bible Study for Confused, Lost Millennials (Interview)

While promoting the release of his latest DVD for the film "God's Club," well-known Baldwin brother Stephen revealed that he is connecting with a church in New York City to start a Bible study that will help young people who are lost, depressed or confused.
"I just found in my heart that what young people are seeking more than ever is to be challenged with an authentic encounter and experience with truth. That's what I believe young people are looking for," Baldwin told The Christian Post.
The actor maintained that he's gearing up to host the Bible study because after visiting many churches that focus on youth in the city, he felt there was still something missing. Baldwin contends that as much as young, hip churches are "blessing" the younger generation with music and a practical kind of Bible teaching, that really only goes so far.
"I believe they are getting a nicey-nice, culturally-friendly gospel that's being preached to them and that is not the complete truth, the truth that is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the truth of repentance and forgiveness," the New York native maintained. "I just believe that and it is my hope in partnership with a very cool young church here in New York City."
Baldwin went on to give an example of the type of stuff he will delve into in his Bible studies.
"If I was to sit one-on-one, face-to-face whether [if] it's my own children or anyone for that matter, I would look at a young person today and say, 'Jesus Christ died so that you can come into, in this life, an authentic experience and a daily interaction with the Spirit of God that will unequivocally confirm in your heart that it's true,'" he shared.
He clarified that salvation in Christ is not only to feel good about you, yourself and your life. "It's about what we need to learn about ourselves in that experience and how we must repent of those things in our life and in our heart that are keeping us from having that experience," Baldwin continued.
Having two young adult daughters himself, Alaia and Hailey Baldwin, the concerned father upheld that the true gospel must be communicated today as much as possible in a way that is unapologetic, honest, passionate and is clearly received in the hearts and minds of young people today in a way that they understand.
The passionate Baldwin brother insisted that the gospel is not just an experience, and that God's word is not out there just to simply make lives better and just give hope. He likened that ideology to self-will and self-happiness and claimed that the word of God is not only about that.
"There's going to be good days and there's going to be bad days," Baldwin said. "There's times when God allows you to go through difficult times for a reason so that you learn something and that's one level. But there's even deeper levels of challenges that we all have, that are our own private secret challenges that only God can help us with. It's when that gospel is preached that I think young people really start to grasp it."

Baldwin's latest film, "God's Club, " addresses current difficulties Christians face in America, such as prayer in school and the right to have Christian clubs on school campuses. Baldwin plays a teacher who stands up for a Christian club in school with students who want to attend it. The film also explores the topic of depression, and the actor acknowledges that depression in this day and age is a very common occurrence especially amongst young people.
"There are many people who suffer on all different levels and degrees with the experience of depression. And many Christians struggle with what do they do? Should they take medications, 'God could heal me and if He could why wouldn't He? And so on and so forth," Baldwin noted.
"The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas" star also said his remedy for depression is simple: "God sent his only son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins but He also came to bring us that joy and that peace and that freedom that one can absolutely authentically experience when the Holy Spirit is working within you and you're allowing God and His will to be done in your life."
The question he asks is, "What are your priorities?"
Baldwin insisted that he was not trying to play doctor or tell people that their priorities are not in order because they suffer from depression, but he did want to share something he found to be true.
"Walk this walk the way the Bible says and not the way we interpret it for ourselves, but if you have the support of your pastor and Christian friends praying for you etc… and you would go to God's word and do your very best on a daily basis to make God and Jesus your first priority. Start your day with God, make your schedule in such a way that you allocate your time, that you read the Bible and pray because so many people think they do when in fact it's just not the case," he advised.
The 49-year-old explained a story about a man who once challenged him after he made the statement that he was having a "radical experience with Jesus." The man stated that his 70-minute prayers every week to have a radical experience with Jesus are never answered. Baldwin snapped back and told him that if he could play golf for five hours a week than he could find the time to pray more to God about having his own radical experience.
Baldwin apologized for his abrasive response about the matter but still maintains his response was valid. "You take five hours a week to entertain yourself and relax and play that sport as a hobby. Where are your priorities?" he questioned.
"I believe unequivocally who we are as believers and each and every day that we walk our walk everything that happens and we experience is coming out of a spiritual dynamic," Baldwin concluded. "The more we are connected to that power that brings us freedom and victory the more we will have that experience."
His new faith-based drama "God's Club" was released on DVD March 1, but it's not the only movie the actor did for young people. He revealed that he is currently working on another movie titled, "Youth Group," featuring Thor Ramsey.
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