Stephen Hawking: God Particle Discovery Makes Physics Boring; Physicist Claims Humans Only Have 1,000 Years Left on Earth
Stephen Hawking has said that he was left disappointed after the God Particle, otherwise known as the Higgs Boson, was discovered. The famed physicist explained that the find made physics less interesting, in a speech that also saw him claim that humans only have 1,000 years left on Earth.

Hawking was speaking at the Science Museum in London, England when he publicly revealed his thoughts on the landmark discovery of the God Particle – the particle scientists say is responsible for mass in the standard model of physics.
The physicist said, "Physics would have been far more interesting if it had not been found."
However, not all was doom and gloom for Hawking, and he explained that he hoped that the next step following the Higgs Bosom discovery would be that the Large Hadron Collider work would now move toward finding some unifying theory for the entire universe.
In particular, Hawking spoke to attendees at the Science Museum about M-Theory, which hopes to find a unifying principle between quantum mechanics and gravity.
Hawking also gave his prediction for the end of the world, claiming that humans would not be able to survive on Earth for more than 1,000 years.
"I don't think we will survive another thousand years without escaping beyond our fragile planet. I therefore want to encourage public interest in space," he said.