Steve Harvey breaks down as woman prophetically sings over him on live TV show

Gospel singer Duranice Pace was a guest on Steve Harvey's show last week and although the popular TV host only meant to spotlight the singer's story, it was her words to him that brought him to tears.
The segment kicked off with Pace sharing her story of a time she was fed rat poison and it led to the removal of half of her vocal cords.
“They said I’d never talk again but the man upstairs said you gonna sing again,” Pace tearfully testified, also revealing that she was diagnosed with cancer and was given just a few months to live. That was 11 years ago.
Harvey was noticeably inspired by her declaration of faith but it was what she said afterward that really inspired the famous comedian.
“I didn't know if I was going to be alive but God done kept me alive to see you, sir,” she told Harvey. “This is Steve Harvey, he's a good man. He loves the Lord and he’ll give you a helping hand.”
“God’s going to bless Steve Harvey," she prophetically sang over him. “Keep on, keep on, you helped me to live, sir, keep on … you special.”
He then shared words his late mother, who was a devout Christian, told him. She foretold that God would give him a big house on the hill one day but she said, “you can’t get on the hill and tell nobody else how to get up there.”
Harvey then admitted that the hardest thing he ever did was have to tell doctors to take his mother off of life support.
“I was raised [believing] that she’s in Heaven now and she watches me and she sees. I just hope she’s seeing today watching this moment right here," the 62-year-old said with tears, grateful for Pace and her encouragement. “The only reason I straightened up and started doing right was 'cause I just wanna see her. Other than that, I’d still be going to Hell like I was.”
“You gonna see her,” Pace assured Harvey.
He then explained that inviting Pace on the show was to give her “a chance” to share her story but he had no idea how it would affect him.
“He is so real, He tells it like it is, He loves to lift you, He loves to make people smile that haven't laughed in years, makes you wanna live again,” Pace continued in song. “Aint nobody like you, you going to make it to Heaven sir!”
Harvey told Pace how much she’s impacted him.
“You think I’m helping you, but you really helping me. I thank you because this was for me,” Harvey concluded.