Steve Harvey: God Never Created a Soul Without Endowing It With a Gift

For those searching to find true purpose in life, comedian and talk show host Steve Harvey has a bit of advice. In a video Harvey posted to Facebook Wednesday, the "Family Feud" host urges the show's studio audience to pursue the inner gifts that God has planted within them, and to take the "jump."
In his heart-to-heart chat, Harvey talks about an inner gift he says is within every individual. "God, when he created all of us, gave every last one of us a gift at birth. He never created a soul without endowing them with a gift."
The TV personality explains that those gifts aren't always the seemingly glamorous kinds that land people in front of audiences, like singing and dancing, but other equally noble talents like cooking, baking, landscaping, drawing, or barbering.
Harvey shares that he had a friend who frequently turned down offers to hang out because he had prior commitments to cut grass in the morning.
The comedian and his pals would tease this friend, saying, "Cutting grass? How much do they pay you?" Today that friend is a millionaire, says Harvey. "He's got a landscaping company in Cleveland worth $4 million. He was gifted at it."
"Your Bible says, 'Your gift will make room for you.' Your gift, not your education," the game show host points out. "You can go get an education, that's nice. But if you don't use your gift, that education [is] only going to take you so far." Many obtain degrees that they don't use, Harvey says.
According to the comedian, the path to putting one's gift into action is to "jump." He says, "You got to take that gift that's packed away on your back, you've got to jump off that cliff and pull that chord. That gift opens up and provides the soar."
Not taking the figurative leap could lead to a humdrum existence, says the radio personality. "If you don't ever use it [the gift], you're going to just go to work. And if you're getting up going to work on a job every day that you hate going to, that ain't living, man. You're just existing."
The entertainer explains that there is a caveat when it comes to unleashing one's inner gift. "When you first jump, your parachute will not open right away." In pursuit of the realization of one's gift, Harvey says there will be plenty of bumps, cuts and bruises along the way.
"But eventually, eventually the parachute has to open. That is a promise of God. That ain't a theory, that's a promise. His promises are true. You cannot name one single thing God has not gotten you through."
Harvey speaks from personal experience. At one point in his life he was broke, homeless and living in his car, according to the Huffington Post.
The comedian warns against playing it safe. "If you don't jump, your parachute will never open; you'll never know what God really had for you. Your Bible says that He comes to give you life, and give you life more abundantly. If I were you, I would jump."
Harvey urges the audience, "Do yourself a favor, before you leave this world, before you die, jump. Just jump one time. Just jump."