Survey Shows Christian Men Not Spiritually Challenged
According to a survey released by Promise Keepers, a ministry dedicated to introducing Christ to men, only a few number of Christian men are deeply in concern of faith and spirituality, which indicates the stagnant spirituality of men. Experts note the need of strong outreach for men, which at the end will have good impact on families and society as a whole.
The survey was conducted by Barna Research Group, asking 415 men from Los Angeles, Seattle, Denver, Dallas, Baltimore and Atlanta, who all identified themselves as “born-again Christians.” Among them, 200 were from Promise Keeper’s own constituent file.
The survey found that 85 percent of Christian men are not "spiritually challenged," rather they saw family and children (42 percent) as their top challenge, followed by work and money (39 percent); and health concerns (20 percent).
In addition, the survey showed about 60 percent Christian men are "marginally satisfied" with their church experience.
"It's certainly clear to us that we have a great mission field in front of us in reaching the men of America," said Tom Fortson, Ph.D., president and CEO of Promise Keepers, in the statement. "Much, much more needs to be done to engage men with their spiritual side, and then to see them make an impact on their families, churches and communities. We've only scratched the surface."
Although men responded that they have at least three good friends who are Christian, only 42 percent said they would turn to Christian friends during difficult times. However 68 percent said they are aware of men’s ministry such as Promise Keepers.
"We are gratified that so many men who call themselves Christians or who attend church know about our work," Fortson said. "Still, we are looking for ways to expand our influence not only in the church, but into the broader society as well."