
'Switched at Birth' Season 5 Episode 10: Mingo Gets a Second Chance With Daphne?

Daphne (Katie Leclerc) and Mingo's (Adam Hagenbuch) paths will cross again in the upcoming episode of "Switched at Birth."

In the episode titled "Long Live Love," the synopsis (according to TV Guide) reveals that the ex-couple will be surprised to meet each other while job hunting. Both Daphne and Mingo are scheduled to do their internship. Incidentally, they will apply at the same company. As the two compete for the position, there is a huge chance that old feelings will resurface. It seems Daphne still has feelings for Mingo, while he cannot say that he has already forgotten her. Will there be a reunion of some sort?

When Daphne and Mingo broke up, it was not a pretty picture. She chose to forget him and went to China with Bay (Vanessa Marano).

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In a January interview with TVLine, executive producer Lizzy Weiss said that the pair's relationship is very complex. While the showrunner did not confirm if they would get back together, she hinted that anything is possible.

"Daphne and Mingo had great chemistry. They were opposites in so many ways, so it was so fun to see them together. But we had to be realistic. Is this guy going to really be sitting around 10 months later, waiting for her to just show up? He was hurt that she decided to stay. They broke up at the end of Season 4, but it did feel like maybe they would get back together in the fall if she was [only] gone a few weeks. So it is a little more complicated, but they're always going to have that chemistry," the EP teased.

Meanwhile, Bay is satisfied with her life now that her tattoo work will be published in a magazine. The whole family is happy for her. It has taken a while for Bay to realize that being a tattoo artist does not mean a huge paycheck every month. Her finances suffered. She and Daphne had to find cash to pay for utilities and other things because what they were earning was not enough. When she returned from China, Bay was positive she would have no trouble finding a job. It was a huge disappointment when she realized she has never been so wrong.

"Switched at Birth" season 5 airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. EDT on Freeform.

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