Tasha Cobbs Leonard Is Expecting to See Signs, Miracles and Wonders at Her Revival Tour

Gospel singer Tasha Cobbs-Leonard kicked off her "Revival" tour on Nov. 1 and said she's setting the stage each night to see God move in the lives of everyone in attendance through miracles, signs and wonders.
"I grew up in the church where we thought about revival as a gathering, we call them conferences now but we use to call them revivals — where you bring in preachers and people would come to just enjoy Jesus," Cobbs-Leonard told The Christian Post on Tuesday.
"I think we've kind of gotten away from the definition of revival. The true definition of revival is a reboot; it's a refreshing; it's a restart. And I believe that we're in a place now where God is reviving our spirit, reviving the assignments of the Kingdom of God," she continued.
Cobbs-Leonard will be on her Revival tour through Nov. 16 and says her goal is to witness the Gospel at work in people's lives at every stop.
"We can start seeing those miracles, signs, and wonders and that's the revival that I'm referring to," she explained. "We're going back now to those things that we learned and that we believed years ago — that hunger that we had, and may have lost over the years. Well, God is bringing that hunger back. That thirst for Him is coming back, and with that thirst is going to come miracles, signs, and wonders, and that's what I'm expecting in every encounter that I'm having in the Revival tour."
The Grammy Award-winning songstress also hosted a gathering at Passion City Church in Atlanta, Georgia, recently to record her new all-live album release, Heart. Passion.Pursuit.: Live From Passion City. When asked to break down the meaning of her heart, passion, and pursuit, Cobbs-Leonard shared the strategic assignment God gave her.
"When people hear this album they're going to have that live experience in their cars and in their homes. I just really believe that it's going to be a worship encounter like no other that people can have during their own personal time with God," she said.
"The assignment that I was given for this album from God was to go into territories that may be uncomfortable. I wrote with writers from different nations, different nationalities, different cultures. And what's so amazing about that is when you join together with people who have differences, sometimes we take differences in a negative way, but God never meant for that to be a negative thing. He made us different so that we could never live without one another."
Cobbs-Leonard revealed that the Lord specifically instructed her to focus on things that she has in common with people from different cultures and backgrounds.
"He said, 'That's your heart for me, your pursuit after me, and your passion for me.' He said, 'If we focus on these things then we'll understand how our differences can push the Kingdom of God to another level,'" she recalled.
The Georgia native maintained that regardless of who someone is in the Christian Kingdom, they have "heart, passion and pursuit," and it's something every Christian has for the Lord. The singer likewise chose each song for the record based on that truth and made sure they all aligned with the "vision God gave her" for Heart. Passion.Pursuit.: Live from Passion City.
Cobbs-Leonard also spoke about the importance of being vulnerable before God, whether one is a church leader or attendee.
"The Bible says, 'When we are weak, that's when He is strong.' And I think that also goes along with our posture toward Him," she affirmed. "I share this story all the time about my father, when I would speak to my father he would encourage me to stay at the feet of Jesus. For people who walk in the spirit of pride or who aren't humble before anyone, that posture might seem like a posture that decreases you, but that's what we want to do."
"I want to decrease so that God can increase my life. I think that's what happens when you're in a place in life where you feel weak and warn and things aren't going in your favor. That's when God is strong," she reiterated. "You'll find that even in your times of ministry that He can use you the most when you are at your least. Because when we're at our least that's when He's at His greatest."
The successful gospel singer believes that sometimes people are allowed to go through hard times as a way to "keep us humble at the feet of Jesus, so that when He brings us out our testimony can mean that He alone did it."
Cobbs-Leonard went on to advise believers to take off the masks and false perceptions that the world tries to encourage them to put on.
"We live in a world that's social media driven and there are times where people post things or you might see things that make you feel like, 'Oh my God, I'm not doing anything,'" she said.
Oftentimes, she added, people think of fasting as not eating food, but she encourages believers to take a fast from those things that are distractions and take one's focus off their purpose and what God has called them to do.
"You have access to filters and all these kinds of things, so you can look like what you think people expect of you, and I think sometimes we can get over consumed in the expectation of people instead of what God expects from us. I think the best way to avoid that is to make sure that pleasing God is at the forefront and at the top of your priority list and then everything else will fall into place," Cobbs-Leonard advised.
She said that she suggests people continually fast about every area of their life to ensure they're staying focused on their purpose and pleasing God.
Featured on Cobbs-Leonard's last album was controversial rapper Nicki Minaj. Last year, Minaj publicly asked Cobbs-Leonard to collaborate through an Instagram post.
Minaj first became a fan of the soulful singer two-years ago after watching BET's televised gospel music event "Celebration of Gospel 2014," where she saw Cobbs-Leonard and Jonathan McReynolds perform. Since then, she has shown her public support and admiration for the gospel music star.
After the release, the Cobbs-Leonard received some backlash for collaborating with a Minaj; however, she believed it was something God wanted her to do for a much bigger purpose.
"Just like every other ministry, you have to be led by God. This is what I believe: once you have confidence that God is instructing you to do something, then it doesn't matter who doesn't understand or who doesn't like it. Ultimately, we are here to please God and in pleasing Him, He's going to clear your name. So if I'm faithful to God, what He told me to do, then He's going to be faithful to fulfill His promises to me," she said.
"The Bible says that 'love covers.' So He's going to always keep me covered as long as I'm in His will. What I would say, our assignment as Christians, and I think we just kind of forget maybe, but the Bible says to go into the hills and highways to tell people. It doesn't say for us to save them, it says for us to compel them," she added. "As long as I'm walking upright, the way that God has called me to walk in front of those that He's called me to walk in front of, then I do the compelling, but He does the saving."
Cobbs-Leonard maintained that she remains unbothered by the opinions of others because she's confident she's doing what God wants her to.
"When you don't have confidence in what God has called you to do, that is when the opinions of people cause you to fall apart," she explained.
The 37-year-old said she knew from the beginning that a collaboration with a secular rapper like Minaj would be uncomfortable for people because "people get comfortable in their comfortability."
"God is not moved by our emotions and how things make us feel, He's moved by purpose and our callings and what He's called us to do. So as long as we are walking in our purpose, God is going to put His stamp of approval on it," she concluded.
A year after the song was released, many who were upset by the collaboration have come around, she added, and have apologized because they see the impact the song has had on so many that might never have heard a gospel song about Jesus Christ.
HEART.PASSION.PURSUIT.: Live AT Passion City is now available.
For more information on the album and the Revival Tour visit Tasha Cobbs.org