TD Jakes Compares Forgiveness to Accounting on 'Steve Harvey' Show (VIDEO)
The Potter's House Minister Appears on Program to Promote New Book 'Let It Go'
The Potter's House pastor Bishop T.D. Jakes appeared on the "Steve Harvey" show Thursday to promote his new book Let It Go,which focuses on the importance of forgiveness. In his interview, Jakes used the unique metaphor of accounting to explain the process of forgiveness.

As Jakes told Harvey, the purpose of forgiveness as explained in his new book, Let It Go: Forgive So You Can Be Forgiven, is to reveal "how important it is that we achieve [forgiveness] in every area of our lives."
Jakes used the metaphor of accounting to describe the process of forgiveness, explaining that one has to accept that others are faulted and forgive them for their weaknesses.
"In the process of balancing your books, you have to get an understanding not only of your situation," Jakes told Harvey, a comedian, author and talk show host.
"You also have to understand that this person could not give you what they didn't have. Just because you wanted it […] doesn't mean I have it in the warehouse of my personality to complete the inventory of your need," Jakes added.
Jakes went on to say that the main reason one forgives is to live in the present.
"Forgiveness is about empowering yourself, rather than empowering your past," Jakes said, alluding to the title of his book, Let It Go.
"If you learn how to forgive others for not being strong, then people can learn how to forgive you for your own issues," the minister said.
"We think that forgiveness is weakness, but it's absolutely not, it takes a very strong person to forgive," he added.
Jakes is the lead pastor of The Potter's House, founded in 1996 in Dallas, Texas and considered one of the most well-known megachurches in the U.S., boasting an attendance of 17,000 people.
The Texas minister has written over one dozen books, including Life Overflowing and The Great Investment.
Jakes has also appeared on NBC's "Kathie Lee and Hoda" and "Oprah's Next Chapter" to promote Let It Go.