Ted Cruz Tells Evangelicals to 'Stand Up and Vote Our Biblical Values'

In a swing through Tupelo, Mississippi, last week, Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz dropped by the American Family Association radio station for an interview and called on people of faith to "stand up and vote our biblical values.
"In this last election 54 million Evangelicals stayed home," asserted Cruz on Tuesday. "If we can simply bring Christians to the polls, is it any wonder that we have the government we have, we have the leaders we have, if believers stay home and leave electing our leaders to unbelievers? We get exactly what we deserve.
"Nothing is more important than having people of faith stand up and vote our biblical values," added Cruz.
Cruz believes that there are 90 million Evangelical Christian voters in America and that many of them are not even registered to vote or disengaged from the political process. Cruz, who has recently spending considerable time campaigning in the Deep South, sees the conservative region as helping him secure a path to the GOP nomination.
Erick Erickson, editor-in-chief of the conservative blog Red State, summed up the Cruz strategy:
"Cruz, having horded his money and spent it wisely thus far, declared Erickson "has the ability to bounce from Iowa into South Carolina doing well, then fan out across the South. There's a reason he took a swing through Southern states after the RedState Gathering.
"Cruz knows his path to victory lies through the south and the election calendar puts Southern states in play for the first time in a very long time," Erickson added.
The Texas Senator recently said that he views the "SEC primary as a firewall," in a reference to the College athletics Southeastern Conference.
Cruz continued to implore Christians to engage in political activism declaring the nation is in a "crisis and it's now or never."
"I'll tell you, nothing is more important in the next 18 months than that the body of Christ rise up and Christians and pastors stand up and lead," added Cruz.
Cruz closed the segment by asserting what he would accomplish five things on his first day in office:
First Cruz said he would, "Rescind every single unconstitutional and illegal action taken by President Obama.
"Direct the Department of Justice to open an investigation into Planned Parenthood and prosecute any and all criminal conduct."
Cruz also declared that he would direct the government to end "the persecution of religious liberty" in the country, begin the process of moving the American embassy to Jerusalem, and "rip to shreds" President Obama's nuclear deal with Iran.
A recent Fox News Poll showed Cruz in third place with 10 percent of the vote behind businessman Donald Trump, 25 percent, and retired neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson, at 12 percent.
The American Family Association was founded in 1977 and its headquarters are in Tupelo, Miss and says that it has invited all candidates, Democrat and Republican, to appear on their radio show. AFA's stated mission is to "inform, equip, and activate individuals to strengthen the moral foundations of American culture, and give aid to the church here and abroad in its task of fulfilling the Great Commission."