Teen Mom Shares Powerful Testimony of Choosing Life Instead of Abortion: 'A Decision I'll Never Regret'

A touching testimony about a teen mother named Darby who was pregnant at the age of 16 and unsure about what to do when she found out.
She came up with 3 different options:
1.) become a parent,
2.) have an abortion, or
3.) put the baby up for adoption.
The doctor answered all her questions and informed her that many people who had decided on an abortion had come back saying they ultimately felt great regret in their decision. However, the same could not be said for those who had decided to have the baby.
After a month of thinking about which way she would take her life, Darby decided to have the baby because she felt God wanted him here. Immediately after giving birth to her son, she realized that she had made the right decision and she knew instantly that she loved her baby so much. She now admits she cannot imagine what life would be like without him.
She has now decided to send this message out to people who are in the same position she was. She has one simple message for them, and assures them they will not regret it - she tells them to "Choose Life."
This beautiful testimony will make you realize how much we should treasure life and should NEVER take the miracle of life for granted. Watch the video below: