Tenth Avenue North frontman not shocked some Christians losing faith: Jesus said they would

Lead singer of the award-winning Christian rock band Tenth Avenue North, Mike Donehey, shared his thoughts about popular Christian leaders publicly renouncing their faith.
Over the last few weeks, former pastor and best-selling author Joshua Harris announced on social media that he no longer considers himself a Christian, and prolific worship music writer Marty Sampson, known for his extensive work with Hillsong Church, said he was "genuinely losing" his faith.
When asked what his thoughts were concerning the public renunciations, Donehey who recently released his first book, Finding God’s Life for My Will: His Presence Is the Plan, said he’s not surprised. He also felt the media is making a big deal out of statements of two men, one who wrote an "intense" book years ago and another who, "we'll see what happens."
Donehey told The Christian Post on Wednesday that "not many" people are actually walking away from their faith as the media sometimes make it seems, but he believes those who are losing faith are like the seed Jesus talked about in Scripture, found in the three Synoptic Gospels, Matthew 13:1-23, Mark 4:1-20, and Luke 8:4-15.
"It's not a big shock and I don't necessarily think there's anything I can do to prevent it,” Donehey told CP.
“Jesus promised us things like this would happen. He was like, ‘The Kingdom of God is like a dude with some seeds, and he's throwing them out and you know what? Some seeds are going to grow up and some are going to wither, some seeds are going to start growing amongst thorns and get choked out, some seeds are going to get trampled, some seeds are going to get eaten,” Donehey paraphrased.
The lead singer’s new book thoughtfully and sometimes humorously tells his life story, including his relentless hunger for God. What separates him from those seeds that are not continually growing with God, he says is the foundation of where the seeds land.
“The only thing I can think in that parable, the one x-factor is, the soil,” Donehey maintained. “I don't think I can make your soil soft, I think the Holy Spirit's got to do that.”
Sampson of Hillsong had argued in his social media announcement that he was losing his faith because "no one talks about" contradictions in the Bible, preachers falling, and why God sends people to Hell, among other things.
When asked what really helps him stay grounded in his faith, Donehey said for him it’s the exact opposite, he is completely honest with God.
"Personally, not being scared to ask really hard questions,” Donehey said. “Because if you don't allow your faith to bend every once in a while, it's going to snap.”