The Home of Goliath — A Gigantic Discovery!

The Christian faith, and the Jewish faith that preceded it, believe in a God who acts in real time — in human history. So the latest archaeological find shouldn't surprise us.
The first reference to the city of Gath in the Bible occurs in the book of Joshua. In chapter 11 we're told that there were no Anakim, a race of giants, left in Israelite territory except for a few in Gaza, Gath, and Ashdod.
The next time we hear of Gath is in connection with one of those giants, Goliath, in I Samuel 17. From then on, Gath becomes the most-mentioned Philistine city in the Bible. In I Chronicles 18, David captures the city. In II Chronicles 11, his grandson Rehoboam fortifies it. The city was later captured by King Hazael of Damascus and then recaptured by King Uzziah, whose death figured in the vision of Isaiah 6.
Yet until recently, no one was sure exactly where Gath was located. It wasn't so much that they doubted its existence as they couldn't find it.
But now it appears they have.