The Magic Bullet is You!
The factor that can make the biggest difference in your mental and physical health is you!
This article was brought to you by Truestar Health: The World's Most Comprehensive Nutrition, Fitness & Healthy Lifestyle Resource
Everywhere you turn, there is an offer for the latest quick fix approach to health. From pills and potions to injections and creams, people are emptying their pockets for that 1-2-3 magic bullet approach to achieving optimal wellness. In truth, achieving your ideal body weight, feeling energetic and fit takes the right information and action. The factor that can make the biggest difference in your mental and physical health is you!
Heart disease, stroke and cancer are the top three killers in North America today. The good news is that research now shows there is plenty we can do to prevent and even reverse these disease processes. Consider the following statistics and research findings;
Quality of life by choice, not by chance
To make the biggest difference in your health, you need to become active and informed. Enter Truestar Health. At Truestar, it is our mission to provide you with the need to know on your personal health care to take the right steps toward maximizing your own physical and mental health and wellness. Our five key areas of health are the springboards to get you looking and feeling your best. The five areas are:
Nutrition: Although it may sound like an old cliché, you really are what you eat. The Truestar meal plans are loaded with delicious essential fats, low glycemic index carbohydrates and lean proteins at each and every meal and snack. As you will discover, once you complete a personal profile, the meal plans are all perfectly hormonally balanced according to your height, weight, sex and activity levels. In turn, this will keep your insulin levels balanced and your weight down.
Exercise: In addition to warding off disease and excess weight gain, exercise helps to release the feel-good hormones called endorphins and keeps stress at bay. From increasing bone mass and strength to toning musculature and strengthening the heart muscle, as the Nike ad states Just do it!
Supplement wisely: Although I like to see people get a majority of their minerals, vitamins and fats from food sources, this is not entirely realistic these days. From the quality and quantity of food we eat, to the thoughts we think, air we breathe and water we do or do not drink, we are all somewhat nutrient deprived. This is where supplements have a critical role. Vitamins act as a nutritional safety net to top us off and provide insurance against potential illness or disease. To find out which supplements are right for you, visit the Truestar Vitamin section for a personal profile.
Get your zzzzzzzzs: Without the proper amount of quality sleep, the body is unable to restore, replenish and heal. Due to stress and poor nighttime patterns, millions of North Americans are not falling into a deep slumber and are not getting their seven to nine hours of restorative sleep. Keeping your room completely dark, going to sleep at the same time every night and using essential oils on your pillow, such as lavender, can all help you to get your zzzzzzs! Visit the Truestar Sleep section for more.
Emotional health: Most of us take some steps towards our physical health, yet emotional health, which is equally as important and critical to our well being, is often overlooked. Whether it is meditating, yoga, journaling or setting goals, putting in a minimum of 20 minutes per day towards emotional health is a very good investment. Not sure where or how to begin? Visit the Truestar Attitude section for a wealth of information.
Remember, you are the one who will have the greatest impact on your health. Start today by taking baby steps towards health, such as eating more vegetables, meditating for 20 minutes a day, taking fish oils or lifting weights. Even with the smallest steps, you will find you will start to feel better and better, making you want to take even more action toward becoming the ultimate you!
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