The new world order and the whiff of the apocalyptic

The world under the dictatorship of the global elite… new messiahs who will try to raise up the Millennial kingdom without the King… the linkage of world economies into one tight unit so vulnerable it all could collapse in a mere hour… the raising up of an entire world order that is strictly secular: all this is almost a parody of the book of Revelation.
The whiff of the apocalyptic is all around it.
Maybe this scenario is a stretch, but the Great Reset is turning out to be the Great Upset, caused by government manipulation, with the encouragement of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the United Nations, and other elites who believe they have the right to steer nations and economies into a new “liberal world order” fueled by green energy policies.
The Apostle John on Patmos would not be surprised. Things are possible on a global scale now that could not have happened when elderly John, exiled to the Isle of Patmos, was in a cave seeing the Revelation visions. For example, even in recent times, people could have sneered at the possibility of a one-hour disintegration of world commerce, but in this internet age for the first time in history it is now possible, and the vulnerability is increasing. (Revelation 18:17)
Into this troubling panorama come the elites who want to manipulate into existence a new world order.
To say nothing of the technologically “developed” nations, how does this play out in the dark alleys of India, dry stretches of Burkina Faso, deep jungles of Brazil, and all the other countries where people barely survive?
Who gave President Joe Biden and the financial giants of the WEF and bureaucrats at the U.N. the authority to declare and engineer a new world order?
The hubris of such an assumption is dizzying. It is distressing to realize that hubris is often followed by humiliation when grand reordering schemes shatter. As a former White House aide, I have seen the disastrous outcomes of the excesses of power.
Previous generations of world orderers have tried global reordering and perished in the process as their hubristic goals collapsed on them and their citizens. I once lived in Nuremberg and drove through the ruins of the great marching field where Hitler waved at his admirers in Wagnerian triumph. I have strolled through the grandeur of Russia’s St. Petersburg but have also seen the decay left on the back streets after the communists tried to impose their new order on the world.
Biden and his fellow world arrangers will also discover that the Great Reset depends upon a lot of manipulating of everything from fuel to food to finance and much more. Hence, the shutting down of a sizable portion of the United States’ energy-producing sector, resulting in high consumer prices, along with an increase in all other commodities that must be transported by gas-dependent vehicles.
And from the power centers that structure the new order one can hear the promise: “Don’t worry… this is good for you.”
Monarchs and oligarchs across history have chanted that line as they crafted their new worlds. Whether from the Right or the Left, ultimately the whiff of apocalypse slithers through it all.
The only global system that will be a truly blessed “re-ordering” is that of the Kingdom of Heaven whose governance is on the shoulders of the Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6) Until then, well-meaning leaders, as well as the more sinister varieties, will keep storming the Throne of the Kingdom, hoping to get a new world order in place with themselves overseeing and manipulating it all from lofty perches.
“Now is the time when things are shifting,” President Biden told a group of elite business leaders recently. “There’s going to be a new world order out there, and we’ve got to lead it, and we’ve got to unite the rest of the free world in doing it.”
Biden may not see himself as initiating the Great Reset, but he does see himself and his allies as shaping it. To do that, as the president has pointed out, the people must pay the price. Hence inflation-bound money and uncertain alliances and greater government control in every sector of society.
So, Pete Buttigieg, secretary of Transportation in the Biden administration, voiced and celebrated the hope that higher prices at the pump will compel drivers to replace gas-guzzlers with electric vehicles.[1] Americans will have to endure pain at the pump indefinitely in the name of the “liberal world order.”
Who gave Biden or any chief of state and his or her aides and elitists the authority to foster a new order for the entire world and establish policies that will impact other sovereign states?
Is this a form of colonialism by a more acceptable label? How many more Sri Lankas will have to collapse under this load imposed through the richer nations for the sake of the green agenda?
What kinds of systems will emerge when human leaders try to steer history by their conjured visions, blurry assumptions, hubristic presumptions, skewered world views, and shifting value-sets?
The quest for a more livable environment for all in the present as well as the future is certainly important. However, if that means chiefs of state have the right to impose the new order globally through manipulation, then there is much about which to be concerned.
Anyone who has read the book of Revelation might conclude that there is the whiff of the apocalyptic here.
[1] Buttigieg Boasts Gas Prices Are Forcing Americans Towards EVs (
Wallace B. Henley is a former pastor, daily newspaper editor, White House and Congressional aide. He served 18 years as a teaching pastor at Houston's Second Baptist Church. Henley is author or co-author of more than 25 books, including God and Churchill, co-authored with Sir Winston Churchill's great grandson, Jonathan Sandys. Henley's latest book is Who will rule the coming 'gods'? The looming spiritual crisis of artificial intelligence.