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'Their Lives Matter' Tampa Pastor Tells White Christians After Alton Sterling Shooting

To black women I'm sorry we've made you a commodity using your bodies in secret like a back alley copy. I'm sorry your kid watch while you were mistreated. I'm sorry your husbands have been broken and beaten. To black children I'm sorry that you were made to believe that you are worth less and you couldn't achieve the same heights as the white kids who were in your class because you are so smart and you are not trash. To black men I weep because my heart breaks for you the mass has been judged for the acts of a few. You've done the best with the hand you've been given white people don't leave don't exit out please just listen.

I know it's uncomfortable but you must hear me out this really is something that we must talk about. I know the history, don't say it's not true the past doesn't disappear when it's offensive to you. White Americans would say 'we are not all the same don't lump us together. I have my own name.' That's true and I get it not everyone is but to say race isn't an issue perpetuates men. To you I would say blacks aren't either please open your eyes and be a perceiver because if you would just look and be honest right now you would see that their mistreatment is what we have allowed. We act like they are poor and less than and gross and make fun if their hair and skin and their clothes.

We reject them as people but their culture we keep like their music and dance moves their style and weaves. Don't blame the media or call me mean names don't act like what I'm saying is just for internet fame. This stuff is fact. Blacks have been oppressed. Cops manage everyday to disarm white guys without death. Just being shady shouldn't cost men their lives. Who are doing all they (sic) knew to provide for their wives. And this is where you say not all cops are bad.

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If you've not exited out I know you're boiling mad. But that logic won't stop me and I will not be hushed. You're right the majority of cops aren't corrupt, we must speak for the voices who don't have their own. Who went out one day and then never came home. Like Eric Garner, Tamir Rice or Ms. Sandra Bland. Not a single one of them held a weapon in hand and still they were killed and no justice was served. They won't get to speak their voices they will not be heard because they are dead they are buried in dirt. Their families are broken their deaths are absurd. Say that I'm wrong and I don't know their stories. Do you want more names? I can name at least 40.

I don't want your excuses or religious bicker. It wasn't Satan that pulled the cop's trigger. I'm not against cops so don't make this about that. These aren't opinions, these are black and white facts. This isn't about black men or white women or cops. This is about senseless behavior that on all sides must stop. Whites aren't all racist and blacks aren't all thugs. All lives matter we were all bought with love. To move forward from here we all need to change behaviors accepted and futures rearrange. Stop blaming them like their deaths were deserved.

We all deserve death but our lives were preserved by Christ's work on the cross. He paid for our sins so we don't have to make mistakes again and again. Don't scream and don't fight start walking in love. Take the masks off your eyes and remove your kid gloves.

We can't change the past but we can change what's ahead. We can change who we are so less people are dead. With accountability for our actions and a voice for our cause we can form new statutes and create new laws.

We can set things in motion and have tough conversations we can change the future for the rest of our nation. It only takes one person to stand up and say, I won't stand for this. This is not the way. I'm not sorry for this. This is how it must be. I will be changed. Change starts with me."

Contact: Follow Leonardo Blair on Twitter: @leoblair Follow Leonardo Blair on Facebook: LeoBlairChristianPost

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