This Toddler's Little Dog Isn't Just A Friend, He's A Life Saver!
Imagine having to breathe out of an oxygen tank everyday and trying to get around. It seems almost impossible to do things. For Alida, nothing is impossible and she proves that by getting things done on her busy days.
When life becomes difficult for Alida, her very special friend named Mr. Gibbs helps her. Sadly, this beautiful young girl has to travel with an oxygen tank in order to breathe correctly. He is always there to look after her, not matter what. It's a strong friendship that that could be rather difficult for such a playful dog. This best friend and therapy dog is a godsend for Alida.
It is incredible how much trust the parents have in the animal when they are together and not in sight. This proves once again that a dog is man's (and woman's) best friend!
Watch the video to learn how Mr. Gibbs helped Alida be the playful toddler she was meant to be: