This week in Christian history: Asbury revival, Oswald Smith becomes born-again, Menno Simons dies
Revival breaks out at Asbury – Feb. 3, 1970
This week marks the anniversary of when a revival broke out at Asbury University of Wilmore, Kentucky, during a scheduled chapel service, with worship and prayer lasting for over a week.
One of several revivals to occur at Asbury over its history, the 1970 event occurred when Academic Dean Custer B. Reynolds asked for personal testimonies among the chapel attendees.
“Many on campus had been praying for spiritual renewal and were now in an expectant mood. Soon there was a large group waiting in line to speak. A spirit of powerful revival came upon the congregation,” recounted Asbury on its website.
“The chapel was filled with rejoicing people. Classes were canceled for a week during the 144 hours of unbroken revival, but even after classes resumed on February 10, Hughes Auditorium was left open for prayer and testimony.”
In February of last year, around 53 years to the day, another revival broke out at the Asbury campus, which eventually spread to several other schools across the United States.