This week in Christian history: Oswald Chambers born, pope visits Pentecostal church
Oswald Chambers born – July 24, 1874
This week marks the anniversary of when Oswald Chambers, the British military chaplain best known for his posthumous work My Utmost for His Highest, was born in Aberdeen, Scotland.
The son of devout Baptists who professed Christ as his Savior when he was a teenager, Chambers founded the Bible Training College in 1911 and in 1915, became a chaplain assigned to minister to British forces during World War I.
“While there are more than 30 books that bear his name, he only penned one book, Baffled to Fight Better,” explained the website Christian Classics Ethereal Library.
“During his time teaching at the Bible College and at various sites in Egypt, [Chambers’ wife] Biddy kept verbatim records of his lessons. She spent the remaining 30 years of her life compiling her records into the bulk of his published works.”