This Week in History: Second Vatican, Roger Williams, Christ the Redeemer Opened
Rio de Janeiro's Massive Jesus Statue Officially Opened - October 12, 1931
This week marks the anniversary of when Rio de Janeiro's famed Christ the Redeemer, the large statue that stands prominently over the Brazilian city, was opened to the general public.
Standing nearly a 100 feet tall with open arms that stretch to over 90 feet, Christ the Redeemer was built on the 700-meter-tall Corcovado mountain in Tijuca Forest National Park.
"As it was first imagined, it has also become one of the most memorable images of Christianity on the planet - with even papal visits occurring," noted the Daily Mail in a 2016 article.
"The statue has become one of the Seven New Wonders of The World - alongside far older structures such as The Colosseum in Rome and the Great Wall of China."