3 historical facts to know about Advent
3. Advent is a microcosm of the Old Testament
Among biblical scholars, the debate continues as to what the common, central themes are in the Old Testament and what constitutes its core theological message. This is undoubtedly challenging inasmuch as the Old Testament contains history, books of wisdom, prophecies, legal documents, and Hebrew poetry. Yet according to John Oswalt, distinguished professor of Old Testament at Asbury Seminary, what unites these ancient writings is the great story of a God who does not give up on His people despite their repeated failings.
In a video posted online titled "Is Advent In The Bible?" Oswalt noted that many times the Israelites sinned, they were punished, and He would ultimately bring them out of captivity. Even so, the whole of the Old Testament indisputably points to the coming of Jesus.
"The Old Testament is tragedy but is also a book of endless, glorious hope. He is coming," Oswalt said. For a fuller explanation, watch the video below: