Tina Campbell Credits YouVersion Bible App for Saving Her Life, Marriage

When Tina Campbell and Teddy Campbell faced the possibilities of a broken marriage, the YouVersion Bible app helped them revive it and their lives.
Tina, one-half of the Grammy Award winning gospel music duo Mary Mary with sister Erica Campbell, insists that the popular Bible app saved her marriage.
"I'd like to think that this app saved my life because my physical Bible was complicated for me. Alone it was a source of frustration because I didn't get it," Tina said in a video for YouVersion. "But when I picked up the app and there were translations that made things more plain I did get it. And what I got was life giving."
Tina publicly dealt with the death of her father and her husband's infidelities simultaneously in 2013. In the fourth season of their "Mary Mary" reality show on WE tv, the world witnessed the pair struggle to save their marriage.
The singer recalled those times, and how much the devil tormented her.
"The devil was playing in my head [with] all these no good thoughts. 'You're no good for your kids, you can't even sing the gospel because you don't even believe in it and God doesn't love you,'" she recalled thinking. "Every night was a night of torment. Every day was a day of sadness. I didn't know this person that I had become."
She asked God to show her how to live again, with no residual effects of the emotional trauma she suffered from. Eventually, she was able to silence the devil.
"So I opened up the word. I didn't just find silence for the devil, silence for the noise and torment. I found life for every aspect of my existence," she said. "I had my phone and I could open up the Word of God and find answers, solution, knowledge and understanding. I lived on that."
Since then, the pair have been vocal about God helping them overcome their struggles.
For Teddy, a drummer who has played for "American Idol" and toured with Christina Aguilera, the Bible helped mold him into a better man for his family.
"In my search of trying to be a better man, a better husband, everything pointed to Jesus. So I started reading the Bible," he said. "Then all of a sudden I saw a plan that was exactly what I needed. And that changed my life."
Tina previously told The Christian Post that God performed a miracle in her and Teddy's marriage. Through the Bible, she was able to watch that miracle unfold.
"I know God opened up the Red Sea for the children of Israel; He kept the three Hebrew boys from getting burned up in the fire; He kept Daniel from getting eaten by that lion, but He also kept Tina and Teddy from a broken marriage and He did it in one year," Tina said during an interview with The Christian Post. "That is a modern day miracle. So anybody who can come to experience that God is still doing miracles, God is still proving Himself, the Bible is still real and it can still work in your life, I would think that anybody can be encouraged by that."