Trump Says He 'Needs God Even More' as President

During an interview with The Brody File on Friday, Donald Trump said he thinks he need God even more due to the office of the President of the United States as he now needs to deal with "questions of massive life and death."
"Well, I'll tell you what. I've always felt the need to pray. And you know that … So, I would say that the office is so powerful that you need God even more, because your decisions are no longer gee, I'm going to build a building in New York, or I'm going to do this. These are questions of massive life and death, even with regard to health care," Trump told CBN journalist David Brody.
"You know we're working very hard on health care. But there, you're talking about life and death and you're talking about better lives," Trump said during the interview held Friday morning in the Blue Room at The White House.
"People living better because they have better health care at a lower price, which we're working very hard on. So yes, you realize these decisions are all so important. There's almost not a decision that you make when you're sitting in this position that isn't a really life-altering position. So God comes in even more so," the president added.
Earlier this month, megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Dallas in Texas said that Trump's Christian faith is both "very important" but also "very personal" to him.
Last year, Pastor Paula White talked about Trump's faith in an interview with The Christian Post.
"For nearly fifteen years, I've had countless conversations with Donald Trump about the Bible. In fact, I met him because he watches Christian television and he was moved by one of my sermons: The Value of Vision. After watching my television show, he tracked me down. He literally called me out of the blue, and I was amazed by how he remembered my sermon, almost word-for-word," said White, senior pastor at New Destiny Christian Center in Apopka, Florida.
"My observation and experience is that faith has been instrumental in his life. Like many Christians, his understanding of the Bible has grown and is growing. So, while I can't give you a specific chapter and verse, I know of his love for the Word of God," White added.