TV Reporter Nearly Killed by Snow Plow, Slammed With Snow, Keeps Reporting (VIDEO)

There are people who do their jobs under adverse conditions like a jackhammer pounding away outside or a coworker with overpowering perfume. And then there's reporter Steve Keeley of WTXF Philadelphia.
Keeley is standing roadside Monday in Woodstown, N.J. to cover the recent winter storm as we see several snow plows chugging down the road. The first two pass by without incident, but the third truck is riding the right shoulder of the road. It passes Keeley way too close and launches a wall of snow into his back.
It was Keeley's 15th storm to cover this winter, and his experience shows. Despite the icy assault, he keeps reporting without skipping a beat.
In response to rumors that he targeted Keeley, the plow driver, Michael Wyatt, told WTXF that he didn't see the reporter among the flying snow. He adds that it was his first time driving this specific plow that throws snow further than his normal one. The two talked on the phone after the incident, and no hard feelings were had.