Twitter Campaign Urges Disney to Make 'Elsa' a Lesbian in 'Frozen' Sequel

A viral social media campaign is calling on Disney to make Elsa, the princess from the popular 2013 animated children's movie "Frozen," a lesbian by giving her a girlfriend in the movie's sequel.
The hashtag campaign #GiveElsaAGirlfriend was first started when a 17-year-old activist from Florida named Alexis Isabel Moncada wrote on Twitter last Saturday, "I hope Disney makes Elsa a lesbian princess imagine how iconic that would be."
Moncada added in another tweet: "Dear @Disney, #GiveElsaAGirlfriend."
I hope Disney makes Elsa a lesbian princess imagine how iconic that would be
— Alexis Isabel (@lexi4prez) May 1, 2016
Following Moncada's tweets, many others chimed in on social media with their thoughts on why Disney should give Elsa a girlfriend in the movie's sequel, which won't be released for another few years.
One Twitter user, known by the handle @FlowerPrinceDan, tweeted Thursday that Disney should give Elsa a girlfriend because he feels children are being overexposed to straight princesses and straight princes in kids' movies.
"[T]here aren't any queer characters in kids' movies or shows, so they only get to see straight characters," @FlowerPrinceDan's tweet states.
On Wednesday, the Twitter user @xharryandniall tweeted a picture that argues: "Everybody wants Elsa to have a girlfriend in "Frozen 2."
"#GiveElsaAGirlfriend little kids need to learn young there is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay," the tweet asserted.
Twitter user known as Haley Grace argued that Disney should make Elsa a lesbian because it would help children who might be struggling with their sexual orientation. She further claimed it would defy the notion that she feels is portrayed in many Disney movies that the princesses "need a man."
Although many tweeted in support of giving Elsa a girlfriend, others Twitter users threatened to boycott Disney if they did such a thing.
"I'll boycott Disney. #GiveElsaAGirlfriend is pissin me off," a Twitter user named Kahlia wrote. "It's nasty. She doesn't need a man or a woman. She is strong and confidant."
"This is aimed at 1-10 years old," Kahlia wrote. "Like seriously? ! I know it's for everyone as its family but come on. I'm not letting my siblings see it if Disney gives in."
A concerned father named Christopher weighed in Tuesday, tweeting that he would not allow his kids to see the movie if Elsa is made to be a lesbian.
"#GiveElsaAGirlfriend I would not allow my daughters to watch the film," Christopher wrote. "Not anti-gay. I don't want Hollywood explaining sex to my kids."
Another Twitter user known as CJ pointed out that giving Elsa a girlfriend would go against one of the major themes of Elsa's portrayal in the first "Frozen" movie.
"I'm all for #GiveElsaGirlfriend, but I LOVE the idea that she needs NO ONE to actually BE Herself! Strong, happy and single!!" the tweet argued.
Moncada, who is the founder of the blog Feminist Culture, wrote an op-ed published by MTV that explains why she started the #GiveElsaAGirlfriend hashtag movement.
"Growing up, I never saw a princess fall in love with another princess — and neither have girls growing up right now," Moncada wrote. "The entertainment industry has given us girls who have fallen in love with beasts, ogres who fall for humans, and even grown women who love bees. But we've never been able to see the purity in a queer relationship."
Moncada then argued that some in the LGBT community see the movie "Frozen" as a "metaphor for the experience of coming out and accepting who you are."
"Yet Elsa, the film's protagonist, will probably end up with a male prince or king in the upcoming Frozen sequel," she added. "These thoughts soon drenched my mind and pushed me to tweet about how 'iconic' it would be if Frozen's Elsa were cast alongside a princess instead."
An online petition was also launched calling on Disney to #GiveElsaAGirlfriend. So far, over 2,500 people have signed onto the petition.