Tyler Perry Prays For, Lays Hands on Bishop TD Jakes at Potter's House
Video of 'Madea' Producer Speaking in Tongues, Telling of $1 Million Donation Goes Viral

In a viral video that appeared on the Internet over the weekend, Hollywood producer Tyler Perry, known for his string of "Madea" movies, is seen laying hands on Bishop T.D. Jakes during a worship service at The Potter's House in Dallas, Texas.
After the service, a photo of the incident was posted on the T.D. Jakes Ministries Facebook page, with its caption reading: "I can't even put into words what all happened today at The Potter's House! You have to see it for yourself!!!" A link to watch a rebroadcast of the service was included in the photo caption.
The now popular video excerpt of the Sunday service features Perry coming up to the main stage of the Dallas megachurch and sharing what he experienced at this year's MegaFest gathering, including his decision to donate $1 million to a youth center planned by the megachurch.
After being escorted up to the stage by Jakes himself, Perry turned to the pastor and said, "You just caught me a little off guard, bishop."
Perry went on to relate that he had been in town to attend MegaFest and felt moved to write out a check for $113,000 after attending the "Woman Thou Art Loosed" conference where Pastor Paula White said that those in attendance who could, should write a check for $113 "for Psalm 113."
"My intention was to just leave the check and bless God," he said. "See, I love to give. I've been a giver all my life. You see, when people have given to you and sown into you and God has touched them and given you favor. When you have favor with..."
The 43-year-old producer did not complete his sentence, but instead pointed upward.
"See, they don't understand where I come from," Perry added, sounding as if he was on the verge of preaching. "They don't understand it in Hollywood. But I'm gonna tell you something about the blood of Jesus."
At that point, The Potter's House congregation rose to its feet and cheered.
While explaining that he felt compelled during the service to donate $1 million for the youth center, Perry began speaking in tongues, or glossolalia, and started preaching to the congregation.
"God bless you, bishop," Perry eventually said, and started praying for Jakes, who approached the filmmaker.
Several men then moved behind Jakes to steady him, as The Potter's House founding pastor seemed overwhelmed.
Watch The Potter's House worship service in which Perry lays hands on Bishop Jakes in the video below:
Perry, along with Oprah Winfrey, Lakewood Church Pastor Joel Osteen and dozens of other Christian ministers, concluded the three-day faith and family festival in Dallas on Saturday, Aug. 31. MegaFest, held for the first time in Jakes' home state, reportedly saw 75,000 attendees from across the country descend on the city.
The Dallas Morning News reported that there were 12,000 people in attendance at Sunday's service at The Potter's House, and many MegaFest attendees were among that number.
Perry, a professing Christian whose family movies often include religious themes, was not mentioned in the local news report as having prayed for Jakes during the service. A worshipper quoted in the report apparently did not comment on the filmmaker's interaction with Jakes, but described the Sunday service as "an awesome experience."
The original video clip of Tyler praying for Jakes, published Sunday on YouTube by the "I'm Free Project," has been viewed more than 200,000 times and has attracted over 1,400 comments.
Among the many viewers who commented on the video were some who seemed overjoyed to see Perry praying for Jakes.
"I sooo missed going to The Potter's House on Sunday," wrote Angel Reeves. "T.D. Jakes deserves this blessing from Tlyer Perry. When the anointing is on you it really shows. After MegaFest and the millions of people that were blessed (T.D.) Jakes caught the Holy Ghost too! Whooo! The power of God!"
There were others, however, who remained skeptical of the incident, suggesting that it was "fake" or "staged" or claiming that they were simply "confused."
Christopher Lee, commenting on the T.D. Jakes Ministries Facebook page, wrote, "I will say this...those that doubt/question if Tyler Perry can lay hands have to at the same time ask themselves, can God use you. If your answer is yes, then God can use him also. Point blank, and the period."
YouTube viewer Agathe Forzie wrote, "I have been a long time member of The Potter"s House and even I was taken aback. It rubbed me wrong. My spirit did not agree with it. But I will not judge him because I fear God"s wrath."
Another YouTube user, going by the handle "brad4413," also suggested that viewers be cautious in rushing to judgment.
"If they are doing wrong in anyway, God will bring it to light," he wrote. "We have to be careful and not judge. That's God's job! I think it's always good to see positive support."