Tyrese Gibson Believes God Wants People to Let Go of Relationships?

Tyrese Gibson is willing to share a message about God that some people may not be happy to accept.
"Listen to me great people of focus and determination - I have some very sad and yet revealing news......," the 37-year-old singer and actor wrote on Instagram. "God is preparing YOUR TABLE..... Where God has destined YOU to be and go... You won't be able to go there with everyone you showed up with......"
The "Fast & Furious" franchise star proclaimed this to be a season of "killing dead weight." According to Gibson, there is a reason that some relationships won't last forever.
".... There's an expiration date on loyalty - when you cut OFF these people it's not always because they did you dirty, or did you wrong....," he wrote. "It's the season of shedding dead weight.... You will have take this journey alone…"
Gibson went on to speak about stepping away from familiarity and a comfort zone in order to develop a God-given testimony.
"Your soul will be put to the test and this will later become your 'testimony'. If you don't change the things around YOU.... Nothing around YOU will change…," he wrote. "That's the word I'm giving you today..... Amen!!! Never let anyone make you feel bad about being so blessed especially after YOU DO THE WORK!!!!!!"
While it is unclear what inspired Gibson's Instagram message, the "Black Rose" singer has been vocal about his foundation of faith for some time. Earlier this year, the singer revealed that he focuses on his life's purpose by praying in the intimate setting in the Watts community that he grew up in.
"I've never shared this publicly but often times I come here in the middle of the night and pray.....," Gibson wrote on Instagram last January. "It re-sparks my life's purpose it reminds me to stand tall and never let life's challenges get the best of me........"
Although the entertainer has held strong to his Christian faith throughout the years, it seems those beliefs were strengthened when his mother overcame a health scare last year.
"I've never had a doubt in my heart that God was real...... But it can ONLY be the power of the lord Jesus Christ that pulled her through........," he said previously wrote on Instagram. "They took the tubes out, took her off of the the breathing machines and today for the first time in 8 days me and my mother TALKED..... Her first words were 'Hi Son'.... My mother without saying will be my date to the GRAMMYs - to God be ALL the glory...."