U2 Labeled as #3 in Top 10 Rock Bands of All Time
In MSNBC today, U2 was listed at the #3 rock & roll band of all time, following just behind mainstream legends the Beatles, and the Rolling Stones. It's a victory for the people of faith, learning that success does not mean losing faith and God.
U2 has transcended many genres, everything from electronica to solid rock to punk. But what is most memorable is their lyricism about spirituality, bringing up questions and even answers of the soul. For 28 years, U2 has rocked the show with hundreds of millions of records sold worldwide. Other than their music, they are known for their personality and especially, their service to the world.
The band has done and aided many organizations in the world to stop the hunger, aid the poor, and bring awareness to the growing AIDs epidemic in developing countries. They have held concerts and released albums to support this, devoting much of their time and efforts to save those in need. Even fans learn to follow in their footsteps, and this year, there is a goal for fans to donate $15,000 to the African Well Fund.
U2 has made an impact in the hearts and souls of many people in the world. As a mature and talented band, they continue to show the world to use these for others instead of for ourselves. It is this motive that will help this world to have a greater tomorrow.