UFC Fighter Michael McDonald Talks Evidence of God Through Science

When he is not in the UFC Octagon, bantamweight division fighter Michael McDonald is finding time to make connections between science and the Bible.
"There's such an overwhelming amount of evidence today of the Bible. In particular i love the evidence of the Genesis and Exodus," the 25-year-old fighter shared on Twitter. "When i was a child i thought we must simply believe and all evidence was destroyed of the early times. It's so awesome to see the massive amounts of it still around."
McDonald spoke about his love of learning the way that various ecosystems depend on the many different parts of the system.
"From learning about the dependance of nature [on] other creatures... The whole [ecosystem] is sustained by the system. To the irreducible complexity of our cells working like 'miniature engines' that can't function without multiple parts all working together at the same time," he continued. "To the creation of consciousness and life that have no reason to exist in the scientific view.. [Even] though we can see consciousness and life being created through every womb, the miracles which we see are still so unknown."
The mixed martial arts fighter went on to explain how the structure of DNA was evidence of God, calling the 6 billion nucleotides in a single cell of human DNA "the language of God."
"Who can say that a code like a computer program comes from chance? It comes from intelligent design!" the Christian UFC athlete exclaimed.
McDonald previously shared about his church and pastor supporting his career as an MMA fighter.
"I'm in a very understanding, non-denominational Protestant church now. I got to spar with the pastor a little bit and talk to the kids," McDonald said in a previous MMA Mania report. "My church has been extremely supportive about it. He was a big guy, like 350. It was cool for the little kids to see little guy fight big guy and little guy not lose, then get to talk to them about it."
And last month, McDonald defeated Masanori Kanehara in UFC 195 and he also shared his faith on social media.
"I have no words to properly describe what I have seen through the eyes of my heart, opened by the Spirit. It's always been about me ... what I should do ... what i should think .. the next big thing... ," he wrote in a lengthy Facebook post last month. "Oh, how I have been wrong... it's not about me at all. It's not about you at all... it's all about God."