A vote for Trump is a vote for 'biblical truth,' says pastor of Cowboy Church

The real choice in the 2020 presidential election is not between Democrats and Republicans but a choice between good and evil, warned Derek Rogers, the outspoken pastor of Cowboy Church in Corsicana, Texas. And a vote for President Donald Trump, he insisted, is a vote for “biblical truth.”
Speaking at the start of a Wednesday night devotional broadcast on Facebook just over a week ago, Rogers warned it was imperative that born-again Christians stand against the evil agenda of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, whose party he alleges will “fight to take away every religious freedom and every right we have as Christians.”
“This election you’re voting for good or evil. You’re not voting for Democrat or Republican, you’re voting for good or evil, one or the other. And I’m just going to encourage you, I’m going to say it like this — I don’t know how anybody could call themselves a born-again Christian and have a relationship with God our Father and know anything about the Bible and the truth of the Bible, I do not understand how anybody that calls themselves a Christian could vote for the agenda and the platform of Joe Biden,” Rogers said.
He argued that while President Trump “ain’t the greatest dude in the whole world,” he is “the closest thing that we’ve got to what we need” and will be a champion for Christianity.
“He’s going to fight for Christianity. He’s going to fight for everything that we believe in as Christians and the Bible and the other party is going to fight to take away every religious freedom and every right we have as Christians,” Rogers contended.
“It matters and you need to know that if you don’t know it. If you haven’t caught up with the current times, that’s the fact of the matter. This Democratic Party is not the Democratic Party that your parents voted for or your grandparents voted for. It is an evil monster. I’m just telling you straight up. It matters this year and if you’re going to vote as a Christian and vote for biblical truth, you better vote for Donald Trump so that we can keep America great.”
On his second term agenda, Trump, who has been praised by evangelicals for his pro-life record, highlights protecting unborn life through every means available. He also lists defending “the freedoms of religious believers and organizations.”
Biden also lists a detailed plan on his website to safeguard America’s faith-based communities while admitting the nation has not always lived up to the ideals of religious freedom.
“America was built on a foundation of religious freedom and tolerance. We haven’t always lived up to these ideals, but we’ve never stopped trying. And today, with communities of faith increasingly being targeted with hate-filled acts of violence and intimidation, we must redouble our efforts to reach our highest values,” Biden’s campaign website explains.
“As president, Biden will lead by example: with tolerance and understanding from the highest levels of our government. He will also restore a national culture of inclusiveness that encourages individuals of all faiths to celebrate their beliefs openly and without fear of harm or reprisal. He will take on the NRA and gun manufacturers to pass critical gun safety reforms and get weapons of war out of our communities. And, Biden will demonstrate a personal interest in the security of our religious communities,” it adds.