
War as Providing Opportunities for Missions

Missions organizations in Central Asia see a bright hope in the war against Iraq. Bible Mission International’s Mark Reimschisel says the violence could actually advance the proclamation of the gospel. "They're seeing that followers of Islam don't have good things happening to them. And, the folks there want to know, well if that's the religion of peace, why is all this destruction coming on them? And, it creates some real opportunities for them to question, why they would want to be followers of Islam." According to Reimschisel, the heightened tensions in the region won't force Bible Mission out of Central Asia. "The propaganda machine in that part of the world is billing this as a war against Muslims. And so, there is some heighten anticipation and caution being exercised by the folks there. But, they realize they have a mission that has to be accomplished and that is taking the unchangeable word of God to the people within its borders."

By Pauline J.

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