Wendy's Customers Defend Bullied Cashier and Get Free Meal
Two teens in New Jersey came to the defense of a Wendy's cashier who was getting berated by an angry customer and were rewarded for it.
"Stood up for an innocent employee at Wendy's who was being bullied by a customer. She gave us free frosties and chicken nuggets," posted Kailee Whiting on Reddit while posting a photo of the meal with a note that read, "You guys are AWESOME. (Hope you like vanilla.)"
"I thought it was really sweet of the cashier," Whiting's girlfriend, Katie Light, told Yahoo! Shine. "It was nice to know that she was happy that we stood up for her. Karma gave us something back."
The students explained that Wedny's had just experienced a power outage lasting for about 20 minutes, making the kitchen back up. A customer grew irritated and began shouting at the cashier.
"If you weren't ready to take my order, you shouldn't have called me up!"
Whiting began to explain to the customer that working in the food industry was hard, and came to the cashier's defense, to which she was rudely told to "shut up" and had a hand shoved in her face.
"When we got our food, the cashier smiled and said, 'Here's your chicken nuggets.' She gave us a free 16-piece chicken nuggets even though we didn't order any. And when we were done, she came out with a tray of two Frosties just as a nice gesture … like, 'Thank you for standing up for me,'" Light said to Yahoo.
Later it was found out that the disgruntled customer called to complain to the manager of Wendy's about two free Frosty's being given away, to which the manager did not seem to mind.