What Does God Say about Anger?
. . . Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. James 1:19
What kinds of things make you angry? Is it when your little brother wrecks your room or your sister wears your clothes? Maybe it's when your parents say "no" to something you want to do.
Anger can cause many problems. Anger can make you say or do things that you will feel badly about later. It can cause you guilt and shame. It can ruin your friendships. People don't like to be with an angry person. It can even ruin your health! It is normal to feel angry sometimes, but anger that is uncontrolled is sin. God's desire is for you to live at peacewith Him, with yourself and with others. That isn't always easy to do!
A good rule to follow is this:
". . . Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry" (Ephesians 4:26). In other words, don't let anger control your life. If you've been letting anger control you, admit it to God and ask His forgiveness. If you are angry at another person, talk to that person. Try to work out the problem. You might even have to apologize. Remember our Bible verse, "Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry" (James 1:19).
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