What Does God Say about Respecting Life?
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made . . . Psalm 139:14
Has anyone ever told you, "You look just like your dad" or "You have your mother's smile"? Why is that? You were born with certain qualities that make you like your parents.
Just as there are family likenesses, God, the Creator, made all people in His likeness. The Bible says, "God created man in his own image . . ." (Genesis 1:27). How are you made in God's image? You have a personality. You can think about things. You can feel emotions like joy and sadness. You can make choices. God also made you with a soul that will live forever. These are a few of the wonderful ways God has made you. God created the entire universe but only man was made in His image.
All life is important, or valuable, to God, but, because you are made in God's image, you have a special value to Him. No animal or plant is made in His image like you. In the Bible God commands, "You shall not murder" (Exodus 20:13). Each person's life is important to God. No one has the right to take another person's life. God wants you to honor Him by respecting and protecting life.
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