What If You Share JESUS?

I love to share about Jesus — but that is a new thing for me. Years ago I would never open my mouth, or ever attempt to share Jesus. I do not have a good reason why, I just never saw the need.
But something inside me changed and I began with little conversations — and a targeted audience — Taxi Drivers. My theory (and I have a theory for everything!) was that the conversation would likely be very short and both the driver and myself would have a quick exit.
It all started with Durrell in San Diego — I casually asked him what he believed. He told me the saddest thing, he did not believe in anything. I cannot recall what I said, but I do recall that my eyes were tearing up as I paid and then handed him a big tip of ten dollars. Funny thing, when I got home I learned that my tears clouded my vision and I had accidentally given him a fifty dollar bill instead of the ten. I smiled to myself when I realized this, and was soothed that even if my words were wrong I had at least blessed him in some way!
As the years have progressed I have moved on to Uber and Lyft drivers! Hopefully my questions and conversations are a blessing. I focus on the simple things, that Jesus loved us so much that He paid our debt of sin, that this is a free gift to anyone who asks, He is the only living Savior, and He will draw near to anyone who is seeking Him.
I have been asked some strange questions and told some strange things. The thing that saddened me the most was the one driver who said I looked all high-society — and my pride kind of liked this comment — but then deep shame overtook me. This driver held my hand for a bit and apologized that he was wrong for judging me by my appearance. He was open to hearing about Jesus and said he had often thought about reading a Bible.
I have been asked why only Jesus, why can we not just worship idols, why would God send people to Hell… I pray my answers were encouraging, convicting and pointed the way to Christ.
I am still learning and recently had a question about "where" to start reading in the Bible — I was stumped and suggested the book of John as it is about God's great love to us. When I returned home I asked my Facebook friends where to suggest someone start reading the Bible and received a great deal of advice, including the book of John. And while I have no definitive answer on this, I do not think it even matters as a friend reminded me that God will guide this person into His word, after all it is a Living Word. Whether someone begins in Genesis or John, or wherever, they are on seeking Him and He is so very near.
I have also started praying with these drivers. I have never had anyone refuse to be prayed for. I pray that God would make Himself very real to this person — simple I know — but He is very real and very present if we just call upon Him. I am not a pastor, not an evangelist, nothing special — it is just that I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, it is power for salvation (Romans 1:16). Please do not think this is an "I am so wonderful" message — it is not. I am flawed all day long, self-absorbed all too often, and am sure I have missed opportunities that God had right in front of me many times.
The bottom-line is that I am so I awe of God and His great kindness to us all, that there are just those times it bubbles all up inside me, so much so, that I just have to share about who He is.
Might I compel you to join me in sharing Jesus? Our world is hurting and in great need and we have THE answer.
You do not have to be perfect, just willing. You do not have to be good at it, God will guide you.
We tend to ask the what if questions. What if… they are not interested, they will not listen, they are angry… I am sure this happens. But what if you are the person that someone was praying for. What if you make a difference in their day or their life. And what if they find Jesus.
You might find yourself bubbling all inside like me with all that God is, so much so that you cannot NOT share Him.