What's That In Your Hands?
Discovering How To Live A Purposeful Life
Have you ever stopped to ponder why God sent you here, for such a time as this? What about the gifts and talents He downloaded on the inside of you? Are you using them purposefully?
The truth of the matter is that we all have a purpose here on Earth and God has already given us the tools to accomplish them. Yet, in my many years of developing people, I find a number of us are sitting and waiting. Many appear to be waiting to hear a voice from Heaven, encounter some kind of divine intervention, or be called out of a crowd before they get on with their personal missions. The truth of the matter is none of these may happen. Moreover, whilst I appreciate waiting on God and the concept of Gods timing, many of us use this as an excuse to do nothing. Whereas, God might be bidding you to step out of the boat so He can help you walk on water! Instead, we get entangled, overwhelmed and distracted by numerous, purposeless activities and responsibilities.
Sadly, many of us don't tend to realise this until it is too late or something happens to make us reprioritise our lives. Last year, the passing away of my father made me take a step back and ponder. When the time comes, would I be satisfied with the way I had utilised the resources (e.g. capabilities, time, money, relationships, experiences, etc) that God placed in my hands? Could I confidently say I have used them for the benefit of the King and His Kingdom? After all, that's what purpose is all about – using what's in your hand to make a difference in your world.
Therefore, to avoid regrets further down the line, I encourage you to start by accepting the fact that you have a purpose to fulfil (contrary to what you may have been told or where you find yourself today). You are here on a special assignment. Your next step is to discover exactly what your purpose is. Now, this is the step many get stuck, as over the years, we tend to loose sight of what God has placed within us and/or our purpose. If you have fallen into this trap, you may find yourself suffering from the Monday morning blues….everyday indicating you have veered off track.
So, to support you in getting back on track to your purpose, read through the following simple yet powerful tips:
1. Take some time to prayerfully ponder on the following:
2. a. What things are you passionate about (e.g. children, supporting others, being creative, etc)?
b. What issues cause you distress (e.g. poverty, injustice, abuse, etc)?
c. What do you have a natural ability to do that others are not able to do as easily as you can?
d. What is it you love doing that gives you immense satisfaction, joy and inner peace?
Discover the answer to these and you embark the journey towards discovering your purpose because your gifts, passions, etc are an indication of what you are here to do.
3. Consider what already lies in your hands. Remember in the case of Moses, God had to remind him of the instrument he was already carrying (Exodus 4:2). In our day and time, it is so easy to loose sight of what God places in our hands. But despite the distractions, ask God to refocus your attention on what He has placed in your possession.
4. Next, ask God to order your steps in His ways. Ask Him to help you find ways of incorporating these in your everyday life. The simple rule is to do something each day. Whatever you hands find to do, do it to the best of your capabilities. So if you feel you were born to write, don't let a day go past without writing something. If it is to encourage and care for others e.g. during personal setbacks, etc, then ensure you are available when others need your loving support. If there is a business idea yearning to come out of you, I say, "What are you waiting for?" Start off by writing out your business plan.
From today onwards, maximise each day, as none of us know the number of our days. Use what's in your hands and don't wait until you have more time, money, space, etc. Make the best of what you have now. Because in doing so, opportunities will start to come your way and doors will start to open. Also, bear in mind that your purpose could be on an individual, local, national or global level. However, as you take steps to your purpose, you will start to gain special insight in regards to the world you are to affect. And even if you feel you are called on a global scale, start within your vicinity. Be faithful with the little you have and it shall be multiplied.