Woman Forgives Man Who Killed Husband in Car Accident: 'God Has a Purpose for Us'

A new mother in Pendleton, Indiana is holding onto her faith in the wake of a terrible accident that led to her husband's death and the delivery of their daughter as well as her own grueling recovery. Rebecca Sperry has said that while it was often unbearable, she is certain that God has a purpose for her and daughter Autumn in the wake of everything.
Rebecca and Jesse Sperry were due to welcome daughter Autumn on the night of April 6 when they were hit from behind on their way home from church. A car driven at nearly 92 mph slammed into the Sperry's vehicle, causing it to go off the road and slam into a utility pole. The speeding car was driven by off-duty officer James D. Foutch, who immediately jumped out of his SUV to help the couple.
Unfortunately, it was too late for Jesse, who was killed almost instantaneously, leaning over his wife and unborn child in an effort to possibly shield them from the impact of the crash. Rebecca says that she is grateful she was able to hold her husband when he took his last breath.
"It was a blessing to have that last moment with him. I knew he had taken his last breath. I let myself relax and lose consciousness. I was thinking about the baby," Rebecca told the Herald Bulletin. "I knew for sure [Jesse was dead]," she added. "That was important to me, because I had that closure before I even left the scene. If there was any sign he might have made it, that would've made it felt like I was leaving him behind."
Rebecca was rushed to a hospital, and doctors, fearing for her unborn daughter's life, went ahead and delivered baby Autum via C-section before transporting her to another hospital. Thankfully, the baby girl was born healthy and without any physical damage from the accident. She and her mother were reunited one week later, when they were both discharged from their respective hospitals and moved in with Rebecca's parents.
Faith, Rebecca said, it was helped her get through that week in the hospital, when she had neither husband nor daughter to hold on to.
"I couldn't do it without faith. When I was having trouble at the hospital, the nurses were great," she said. "They recommended I read my Bible. It gave me strength to go on. It reminded me that God has a purpose for us. Sometimes it's hard to see, and at times it's going to be very lonely, but he's still there for us. His purpose didn't end with Jesse."
Members of Rebecca and Jesse's church, Edgewood Baptist, have established an online fund to help pay the medical costs and provide anything else that Rebecca and Autumn need. Rebecca did not have medical insurance at the time of her accident. She and the baby will stay with her parents as long as needed.