Woman Saves Pastor From Angry Hindu and Muslim Crowd by Saying Jesus Christ Transformed Her Life

A woman in Bangladesh saved a pastor from an angry crowd of Muslims and Hindus who were accusing him of converting people to his church, by testifying how she has been transformed by Jesus Christ.
Bruce Allen of Forgotten Missionaries International told Mission Network News that the woman, who wasn't named, stepped up to the crowd at the village near the Indian border and said that she invited the pastor, named Paul, to speak with her.
"I know there are people who want to know the truth about God. I want them to experience the forgiveness that I have found in Jesus Christ," the woman told the crowd.
"I want my family, my friends, my neighbors to have the power for daily living that Jesus provides through His Holy Spirit. The transformation of life," she added.
Allen explained that the crowd was "stumped" by the testimony, as it went against their accusations that the pastor was manipulating or bribing people to come to his church.
"This was truly a grassroots movement from within their own community," Allen said.
He revealed that his missionary group is looking to help evangelists and church planters in rural parts of Bangladesh to reach more people who are seeking to hear the Gospel.
"They are there, they're crying and saying 'Please feed us, please take care of us.' And so FMI would love to be able to support more church planters in these hard-to-reach, creative access places," Allen noted.
Christians have faced various attacks over the years in the Islamic-majority Bangladesh, where they are a distinct minority.
Radical terror groups, such as the Islamic State, have also carried out killings, including hacking to death a Christian man, a gardener at his church, back in 2016.
Mgr. Theotonius Gomes, the Bishop Emeritus of Dhaka, said at the time that Christians are facing increasing dangers from Islamic fanatical groups that want to put nonbelievers to death.
"We are aware, concerned but not alarmed. Fanatical groups are spreading death, but we hope that the government can control them. The pastoral and social activities of the Church continues," the bishop said then.
Atheist bloggers and writers have also been attacked and killed. Amnesty International has called on the government needs to do more to protect non-Islamic minorities in the country.
"Some of these killings have been claimed by extremists — but they have been facilitated by the official failure to prosecute anyone responsible," said Abbas Faiz, Amnesty International's Bangladesh researcher.
"The prevalent impunity for all these cases continues to send a message that such attacks are tolerated by the authorities. Ending impunity and ensuring protection for those at risk must be a priority for the Bangladeshi authorities."