Yes, trans surgeries are being done on minors. Here's proof.

Speak to anyone who has endured an abusive relationship and they'll tell you that one of the worst forms of psychological manipulation that narcissistic abusers employ is gaslighting, wherein the abuser makes the abused party think they’re crazy. The corporate media has mastered this tactic with so-called “gender-affirming care,” refining it to a T.
Legacy press outlets have insisted, in lockstep with a seemingly predetermined narrative, that “gender-affirming surgeries” are most assuredly not being performed on minors or they are minimizing them if they are. They tell their audiences that those scrutinizing policies and practices at children’s hospitals nationwide are delusional right-wing lunatics threatening the hospital staff.
But are minors being irreversibly maimed nowadays, as those dastardly right-wingers claim?
Yes, but don’t take my word for it. What follows is a sample of original source material showing doctors involved in these operations in recent years; these are gender clinicians speaking and writing in their own words in prominent peer-reviewed journals.
In December 2018, the medical journal TheLancet (Diabetes & Endocrinology) published an article titled, “Gender-affirming hormones and surgery in transgender children and adolescents,” which amalgamated “findings on mental health outcomes, cognitive and physical effects, side-effects, and safety variables” on cross-sex hormones and surgical interventions in youth. These measures in females, the article's summary states, “are associated with improvements in mental health and quality of life.” The journal does admit that vaginoplasty surgeries are “extremely scarce” for under-18 individuals. But even if they are rare, what explains the media’s hurried rush to assure us that they are not happening? Isn’t one maimed minor one too many?
Back in 2014, a peer-reviewed article in the Journal of Sexual Medicine noted that “despite the minimum age of 18 as eligibility to undergo irreversible procedures, anecdotal reports show that vaginoplasties of female-affirmed patients younger than 18 have been performed by surgeons, thereby contravening the World Professional Association for Transgender Health Standards of Care.” It must be noted here that these vaunted WPATH guidelines are basically a smokescreen of suggestions. They are certainly not hard and fast rules that are enforced by relevant patient safety laws. Might we ask why the mass media is so uninterested in looking into these “anecdotal reports” of minors?
In a 2017 Journal of Sexual Medicine article titled “Age is Just a Number: WPATH-affiliated surgeons’ Experiences and Attitudes Toward Vaginoplasties in Transgender females under 18 years of age in the United States,” it is documented that "[o]f the 11 surgeons who had performed vaginoplasty on a transgender female minor, 10 were in private practice. Reported ages of minors undergoing surgery ranged from 15 to 'a day before 18' years.” The article goes on to explain that while there was no unanimous recall among the surgeons interviewed of who had performed such a surgery on “the youngest,” one surgeon stated that a boy who had been operated on in this way “was just on the cusp of turning 16.” So much for these brutal genital surgeries “not happening” to kids, right? And, last I checked, the age of 15 on the cusp of 16 is still legally considered a “minor,” no?
What about double mastectomies on young women, including minor girls? These have been happening for several years now and the numbers are rising, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Most disturbingly, as journalist Lisa Selin Davis detailed in an April Substack essay, these surgeries are widely marketed to minor girls and photographic evidence of this abounds.
In September 2018, the Federalist highlighted the alarming contents of an article from May of that year published in JAMA Pediatrics titled “Chest Reconstruction and Chest Dysphoria in Transmasculine Minors and Young Adults: Comparisons of Nonsurgical and Postsurgical Cohorts.” The first author listed in this article is Johanna Olson-Kennedy, a Los Angeles pediatrician who documented the experiences of 68 post-operative girls about how they felt after their breasts were amputated. The data show that at the time of their surgeries, 33 were younger than 18. Five of those girls were 14. Two were only 13.
Not to be outdone, footage of Kellyn Lakhardt of Kaiser Permanente-Oakland has been widely shared online where the gender clinician claims that the youngest girl to have ever undergone a "masculinizing" gender mastectomy was 12 years old.
At the Center for Gender Surgery at Boston Children’s Hospital — which has come under fire after videos were shared by activist Chris Elston (aka “Billboard Chris”) and subsequently retweeted by LibsofTikTok — the Journal of Clinical Medicine documents that dozens of girls have had their breasts removed. A data table on page three of the online version of an article published earlier this year titled, “A Single Center Case Series of Gender-Affirming Surgeries and the Evolution of a Specialty Anesthesia Team,” reveals that 65 double mastectomies were performed on minor girls from 2017-2020.
5. Finally, given the recently released audio of staffers at Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C., saying on tape that “gender-affirming” hysterectomies are being performed on 16-year-old girls, which was followed by a denial and interference-running from outlets like NPR and The Washington Post (which never fail to genuflect before the American state religion of LGBT dogma) is there any truth to the claim that uterus removal surgeries on gender-dysphoric girls are occurring anywhere? Or is that just another crazy right-wing conspiracy theory fueling a campaign of terrifying threats?
In a May 2017 article in the Obstetrics & Gynecology journal titled “Hysterectomy as Gender-Affirmation Surgery in Female-to-Male Transgender Persons,” the authors Neeta Makhija and Linda Mihalov reviewed 15 females who underwent hysterectomies by a single surgeon from 2012 to 2016. The age range listed for this group of 15 patients was 16 to 43.
Setting aside whether it is ethical to remove a physically healthy uterus from a female at any age (it's not) given her higher likelihood of developing dementia and other major health complications, here it is being plainly stated that, yes, these surgeries have indeed happened in recent years to under-18 youth.
Due to the media's refusal to research and scrutinize these issues, the American public has been kept in the dark about these atrocities. Yet the facts are steadily emerging because of the dedicated work of alternative media publications and tireless online investigative sleuths. The horrifying realities are becoming undeniable, but many have turned a blind eye and remained loyal to their preferred ideological narrative because the truth is too unpleasant to bear.
Minors are being surgically disfigured under the banner of a non-existent “gender identity” in clinics and hospitals around the country. As more and more de-transitioners who were sterilized and disfigured as minors start to raise their voices and as others around the world begin filing lawsuits against the medical institutions that harmed them, let me hereby put the U.S. journalists who covered up this grotesque medical abuse of children on notice: You will not be allowed to feign ignorance and pretend that you did not know.
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