Young Woman Fools With the Power of the Sea, Loses (VIDEO)
I'm not claiming to know this young woman's familiarity with Scripture, but I encourage her to read certain Psalms before her next outing to the beach, including Psalm 42:7 ("Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me"), Psalm 88:7 ("Your wrath lies heavily on me; you have overwhelmed me with all your waves") and Psalm 89:9 ("You rule over the surging sea"). The ocean can be pretty powerful, which she fails to realize when she taunts a wave with a dance as it careens onto shore.
The tide crashes against the sea wall, and rebounds towards her. She hurries to the safety of the walkway. Too late. The water sweeps her off her feet as her friends and onlookers watch. Thankfully, the wave carries her back to an adjoining beach and she's okay.