YWAM Brings New Spiritual Awareness to Greece
Youth With A Mission (YWAM) sent out members to Athens, Greece in an effort of bringing the gospel to Greek people. YWAM members are there to fight the spiritual battle for Europe, not just now but for generations to come.
Jeff Fountain, Director for YWAM Europe, provided to members 4 important philosophies which help them to maintain God’s grace while doing mission work at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens.
• Each one of us is only one and can't do everything.
• But each of us is called of God to do something.
• And by the grace of we'll do all He tells us to do!
• May you all be used as channels of blessing to touch many lives in Jesus' name.
The pictures above were posted on YWAM 2004 Olympic Outreach Team Commissioning website which reports members’ activities in Greece on August 11, 2004