Whither Christian nationalism?
When House Speaker Mike Johnson delivered his first speech after being voted in, by his colleagues, to the speaker’s chair, his words stirred up controversy.
Voting for Trump with a clear conscience but a heavy heart
Conservatives, if you’re torn on whether to vote for Trump, you’re not alone.
The strange emergence of the woke right
Critical theory should be rejected by Christians, whether it's peddled by the Left or the Right.
Andy Stanley, Jordan Peterson and Christ's virgin birth
Andy Stanley's approach feels evasive, and even a bit deceptive.
High-pressure systems aren’t only weather-related
Amid the chaos, there is a vital need for us to find meaningful ways to manage stress and anxiety.
A psychologist interviews ChatGPT about gender theory, Christian transcendence
Neither my wife nor our dog seemed interested in discussing gender theory or the nuances of transcendent identity. Suddenly, it struck me: ChatGPT!
The red herring of Christian nationalism
Imagine for a moment a U.S. president continuously engaging biblical references to undergird a political agenda.
Is it Christian to be pro-abortion?
On this election day we have an opportunity to pull back from the moral darkness of the moment.
Don't let 2024 election drown out National Adoption Month
The first Tuesday in November will culminate in one of the most polarizing elections in U.S. history while simultaneously marking the beginning of National Adoption Month, which is annually designated in November.
The moral blindness of Kamala Harris’ position on abortion
Abortion snuffs out a real, human life, a life with unknown potential, however tiny and still-developing it may be.