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  • Israel: Obama 2008 vs. Obama 2016

    Israel: Obama 2008 vs. Obama 2016

    In June, 2008, presidential candidate Barack Obama gave a stirring speech to AIPAC, making strong commitments to the Jewish people and Israel.

    | Michael Brown

  • Heckler Calls Obama the Antichrist; Obama Proclaims 'Jesus Is Lord'

    Heckler Calls Obama the Antichrist; Obama Proclaims 'Jesus Is Lord'

    President Obama was interrupted by a man shouting about Christianity as he was giving a speech for a fundraiser at the House of Blues. The man, later identified as David Serrano, was quickly dragged out of the room by security guards.

    | Amanda Winkler

  • Obama Blames Republicans, Journalists Blame Obama, on 'Meet the Press'

    Obama Blames Republicans, Journalists Blame Obama, on 'Meet the Press'

    The day before the 'fiscal cliff' deadline and as Congress continues to work on an agreement, President Barack Obama appeared on NBC's "Meet the Press" to blame Congressional Republicans for not reaching a deal. In a panel discussion after the interview, journalists criticized Obama for not doing more to build trust with Republicans and not displaying more leadership on entitlement reform.

    | Napp Nazworth

  • Obama Outspends Romney as Romney Outraised Obama in July

    It was only about one year ago that Republicans – not knowing who their nominee would be – were bracing for a presidential campaign where President Obama would have an unlimited campaign war chest while their candidate scraped by with only a great message and limited funds. That is not the case today.

    | Paul Stanley

  • God and Barack Obama

    In part two of this series, Paul Kengor will consider Obama\'s chances of winning \"values voters\" on November 4.

    | CP Guest Contributor

  • Obama Out Fundraises GOP

    Obama Out Fundraises GOP

    President Obama’s poll numbers may be slipping but his campaign donations are pouring in. In an email released by the Obama campaign Thursday morning, it was revealed that the president’s reelection campaign and the Democratic National Committee raised a total of $70 million in the third fundraising quarter of the year.

    | Amanda Winkler

  • The Depression of Obama

    The Depression of Obama

    Oddly, many conservatives are afraid to point out the obvious - that Obama is in over his head and depressed.

    | Rachel Alexander

  • Is Obama Sexist?

    Is Obama Sexist?

    If all of President Barack Obama's cabinet appointees are confirmed, the most prestigious cabinet posts will all be filled by men. This has renewed an old debate, mostly among liberals, over diversity in the executive branch and Obama's apparent preference for male advisers.

    | Napp Nazworth

  • Malia Obama to Start Driving, Michelle Obama Warns 'Look Out!'

    Malia Obama is reaching another milestone of growing up, according to her mother, Michelle Obama.

    | Emma Koonse

  • Romney Closes Gap With Obama

    Despite efforts by the Obama campaign to portray Mitt Romney as a vulture capitalist, Romney's favorability rating has increased 14 percentage points since February, according to a CNN/ORC poll released Monday.

    | Napp Nazworth

  • Putin to Obama: CrimeaRiver

    Putin to Obama: CrimeaRiver

    It has been interesting to watch Putin gain in popularity as he outwits Obama. Since he invaded Crimea, Putin's approval ratings in Russia have gone up 10 points. In another of his historic "firsts," Obama has done what no other president has done: make Putin look better.

    | Ron Hart

  • Obama Fumbles
  • Can Obama Win the 'Values Voter?'

    In 2000 and 2004, it was the churchgoing moral-religious \"values voters\" that made the difference for George W. Bush. Barack Obama hopes to peel off just enough of those voters.

    | CP Guest Contributor

  • Archbishop Criticizes Obama, Catholic Allies

    Denver Roman Catholic Archbishop Charles Chaput labeled Barack Obama the "most committed" abortion-rights candidate from a major party in 35 years while accusing a Catholic Obama ally and other Democratic-friendly Catholic groups of doing a "disservice to the church."

  • Obama Backed by Less Religious Americans

    Obama Backed by Less Religious Americans

    Presidential candidate Barack Obama has stronger support among less religious Americans than rival John McCain, a survey revealed.

    | Jennifer Riley

  • Tired of Obama
  • Obama to Woo Young Evangelicals, Catholics

    Barack Obama will soon unveil his new plan to woo young evangelicals and Catholics in hopes of turning them into Obama voters this November.

    | Jennifer Riley

  • Obama, Pope Discuss Abortion, Stem Cells

    Obama, Pope Discuss Abortion, Stem Cells

    In their first meeting Friday, President Barack Obama and Pope Benedict XVI touched on the ethics of abortion and stem cells. The pontiff offered Obama a copy of a document titled "An Instruction on Certain Bioethical Questions."

    | Nathan Black

  • Obama, Romney Tied in 2 Polls

    Two polls released Monday both show President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney tied in the presidential race. USA Today/Gallup's swing-state poll shows Obama with 47 percent support and Romney with 45 percent support in the 12 most closely contested states

    | Napp Nazworth

  • Obama Breaks 'God Talk' Tradition

    Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama is overturning the traditional view that Republicans are the religious-talking lawmakers with his faith speeches and frequent church visits on the campaign trail.

    | Michelle A. Vu