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Search Results

  • Poll: Palin Gaining on Obama

    Poll: Palin Gaining on Obama

    Findings from a new poll suggest Obama’s re-election campaign is on the rocks. A McClatchy-Marist poll shows support for the president is steadily declining and even Sarah Palin is gaining ground on Obama in the 2012 race.

    | Amanda Winkler

  • James Carville Advice to Obama: Panic!

    James Carville advises President Obama to “panic” after Tuesday’s two special election results resulted in victory for the Republicans. Carville wrote an open letter in a CNN op-ed, giving Obama advice on how to halt the GOP’s momentum and win re-election.

    | Amanda Winkler

  • Majority Rates Obama Not Better Than Bush

    Majority Rates Obama Not Better Than Bush

    A majority of Americans believe President Barack Obama has been about the same as or worse than George W. Bush, according to a new Gallup poll.

    | Anugrah Kumar

  • What is Barack Obama Doing Now? Obama Spotted in Tuscany Driving a Golf Cart

    It looks like the former President Barack Obama is making full use of his newfound freedom from the strict confines of an office term. He was spotted enjoying a round of golf at a facility in Tuscany, Italy over the previous weekend, and he looks to be having fun with his free time as a private citizen.

    | Edward Leano

  • Obama, Putin and Blaming Others

    Obama, Putin and Blaming Others

    As Obama and Congress publicly debate what engraving style to use on the "Save the Date" card they will send to Syria's President Assad (fully telegraphing our unnecessary military action), Vladimir Putin chuckles.

    | Ron Hart

  • Dr. Dobson was Right to Challenge Obama

    Dr. Dobson was Right to Challenge Obama

    For over a week now the press has been hashing and rehashing Dr. James Dobson\'s challenge to Barack Obama\'s attempt to woe evangelicals.

    | Dr. Tony Beam

  • Obama Embraces Debt Commission in Accepting Nomination

    President Barack Obama endorsed the recommendations of his debt commission in his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention Thursday. Arguing that he will fight for the middle class, Obama asked voters to give him four more years to finish the work he started.

    | Napp Nazworth

  • Malia Obama 16th Birthday Arrives, White House Celebrations Ensue

    Malia Obama, the eldest daughter of President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama, is celebrating her 16th birthday this month.

    | Emma Koonse

  • Michelle Obama On White House Pressures: 'Prison-Like'

    Michelle Obama made waves after revealing a candid take on life in the White House this week.

    | Emma Koonse

  • Obama Condemns Venezuela's Ties to Cuba, Iran

    A Venezuelan newspaper, El Universal, has published comments from President Barack Obama on Monday where Obama blasts the Venezuelan government's rights history and its link to Cuba and Iran.

    | Kris Coombs

  • 'We Must Change,' Obama Says About School Shooting

    'We Must Change,' Obama Says About School Shooting

    President Barack Obama said he will do everything he can with the power of his office to prevent another massacre like the shooting that occurred Friday at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn. Speaking at the town's memorial service Sunday, he said the nation must change to protect its children.

    | Napp Nazworth

  • Survey: Obama Approval Drops in Muslim Countries

    Confidence in President Obama dropped in predominantly Muslim countries over the past year, a new Pew Research Center report found.

    | Ethan Cole

  • Obama Defies One-State Wonder Theory

    Obama Defies One-State Wonder Theory

    Presidential hopeful Barack Obama wowed the nation over the weekend with his wide first place finish in South Carolina, defying the odds and challenging skeptics who said the Illinois senator would not claim another major victory after a string of close defeats.

    | Jennifer Riley

  • Churches Remember King, Hail Obama

    Churches Remember King, Hail Obama

    Church services to mark Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday were especially poignant this year, as black preachers across the country used the pulpit to remember the civil rights campaigner's dream of a racially just world and hail the upcoming inauguration of America's first black president.

    | Jennifer Gold

  • Should Obama Face a Primary Challenge in '12?

    Should Obama Face a Primary Challenge in '12?

    The movement is small, and considered a long shot, but there is no denying that liberals and progressive Democrats are increasingly talking about challenging Barack Obama’s right to an uncontested primary for a second term as president.

    | Paul Stanley

  • Christian Leader Not Excited about 'President Obama'

    Christian Leader Not Excited about 'President Obama'

    Barack Obama’s rocket fire leap from a virtual no-namer to the Democratic Party’s celebrity-status presidential nominee has the nation buzzing with excitement, but a values voter leader is cautioning Americans to be careful and to take a closer look at what the candidate really offers.

    | Michelle A. Vu

  • Obama Is Embarrassed by Obamacare

    Obama Is Embarrassed by Obamacare

    Barack Obama assured us that, after his signature legislation Obamacare went into effect, we would surely like it. Now Obama has decided he doesn't want us to find out how it affects us until after the 2014 elections.

    | Phyllis Schlafly

  • Obama Re-Elected President, Networks Project

    Obama Re-Elected President, Networks Project

    President Barack Obama won re-election, networks are projecting. He defeated Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney in the key swing state of Ohio, which Romney needed to get the 270 Electoral College votes to win.

    | Napp Nazworth

  • Obama Fights False Links to Islam

    For Barack Obama, it is an ember that he has doused time and again, only to see it flicker anew: links to Islam fanned by false rumors, innuendo and association. Obama and his campaign reacted strongly this week when a photo of him in Kenyan tribal garb began spreading on the Internet.

  • Have Liberals Unfriended Obama?

    Have Liberals Unfriended Obama?

    While liberals have been supportive of President Barack Obama for most of his presidency, that may be starting to change. Recently, Obama-friendly media and Democrats have not been as friendly as they used to be.

    | Napp Nazworth