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God's Law: Absolute and Inviolable
God's rules are commonly referred to as the Ten Commandments or the Moral Law. One may look to the left, as well as to the right, scheming to break these, but no one can break God's rules without being broken by them.
The Bible in America: Why Can't We Hear the Truth?
Figuratively speaking, the ambient noise generators of our day trick us with their sophistication, half-truths, false comparisons, revisionism, and many other distractions of contention. Only people who truly listen can distinguish truth from falsehood.
God created extroverts and introverts for a reason
I will come right out and confess it. I am a professional extrovert. That means that I converse with people in large gatherings as part of my job. However, I am an introvert by nature.
True Love Must Be Reciprocal
God freely offers his love to individuals. He doesn't force his love on an individual. Remember, forced love is not genuine love! In this case, God is the lover and human beings are the beloved. But, the love must be reciprocated.
10 things for which I am thankful as an apologist
I have many things for which I am thankful. I am most certainly thankful for my relationship with Christ and for my wonderful family. I am thankful for the evidence for the historicity of Jesus’s resurrection.
Supernatural atheism
Why not consider the supernatural God of the Bible as a source for everything we know?
Interview: David Limbaugh on His New Book 'The Emmaus Code' (Part Two)
Below is part two of a two part interview with well-known conservative and Christian author David Limbaugh on his new book The Emmaus Code.
Rethinking the need to prove that God exists
Do we really need to prove the existence of God? I will follow Paul, Peter and the rest of the apostles and answer, “Yes, now perhaps more than ever!”
Brady Goodwin renounced his faith. Here is my response.
But what about the points he makes in his video? What about the feeling that we can basically make the Bible say whatever we want it to say? Or that it’s our prior theological commitments that determine how we understand Scripture?
Why you either believe or reject the Bible
Even though I am schooled in all these things, and value the information greatly, they are not why I believe the Bible is true.
Everyone’s a false teacher except me
The fact is, everyone’s a false teacher except me.
Extraordinary evidence and believing in God
One of Christianity’s best defenders – Francis Schaeffer – said, “Every honest question must be given an honest answer. It is unbiblical for anyone to say, ‘just believe.’”
The Truth Shines Through: Debunking Lies of the Culture
Let's talk about the truth. It's out there, I promise you. The bad news is that it tends to be hidden behind a phalanx of lies.
Does Believing in Inerrancy Require One to Believe in Young Earth Creationism?
The age of the earth is a hotly debated issue among evangelicals. Old Earthers believe, like most scientists, that the universe is billions of years old. Young Earthers measure the age of the universe in terms of thousands of years. The debate is not new, but the insistence by some Young Earthers that belief in the inerrancy of the Bible demands a Young Earth position is relatively new.
Salvation in Christ Alone: Eternal Security or Conditional Security?
It's important we understand the complexities of what salvation is, how we can have it, and how we can keep it.
When Bashing 'Fundamentalism' Misses the Mark
Most Christians these days tend to shy away from describing themselves as "fundamentalists." And can you blame them? The term has become loaded with baggage that few believers want to bring along on their spiritual journey to the promised land. Fundamentalists, after all, are those wild-eyed fanatics who shove their religion down the throat of anyone in their vicinity, right?
Andy Stanley, Apologetics and Inerrancy
It is readily apparent that Andy Stanley is motivated by a deep concern to share the gospel with a generation that is "post-Christian." However, Stanley's apologetic strategy raises concerns about how he presents the Bible.
40 Influential Christian Books
Every thoughtful Christian can probably appreciate these 40 volumes in the journey to grow into a deeper understanding of life and existence through the Bible.
Fundamentalist Apologetics Comes of Age
Like many in my generation, I grew up with a copy of Josh McDowell's Evidence that Demands a Verdict on the bookshelf. Over the years, I frequently consulted Evidence to quell doubts and provide ammunition to fire back at the skeptics on topics like evolution and the authorship of Daniel.