Can the brain change? Experience Transformation through God-designed Neuroplasticity.
Steeped in gang culture, the drug mover responds to Jesus’ invitation to come home (From Drugs to Jesus Testimony). The previously homeless, drug-addicted young woman starts a ministry to lead others to the freedom she found [Cheri Peters]. The young man addicted to sex and pornography finds fulfillment in Christ [Strategies for Strongholds). The dumb kid in class becomes a neurosurgeon (Ben Carson testimony). Parents of a murdered child adopt the incarcerated murderer [Story of Forgiveness].
Are these the stories of only a select few? Do transformations like this have a formula that can work for others? Many of us look in the mirror and think things like: This is just who I am. I’m stuck and there’s no hope of change. Yet Scripture provides an amazing launching pad to transformation of life. “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind …” (Romans 12:1–2 ESV). According to the Bible, renewal, regeneration, and brain change is possible irrespective of age, education, or status [Sabbath School Panel].
For years, it was believed that the brain grows until we reach a point of maturity in our 20s; whatever brain cells we are born with are all we will ever have; if we kill our brain cells from drugs, we’re dumb for life. We now know however, that just isn’t true. Neuroplasticity is the technical term for brain change. It encapsulates the brain’s continued capacity to grow, reorganize, adapt, sprout, heal, learn, and become. We’ve learned that new brain cells can be birthed. Brain cells can rewire. And poorly functioning parts of the brain can be compensated for by other parts picking up the slack. There is a process though, and certain ingredients are needed to experience our limitless potential [Dare to Dream Network].
Jesus said, “Unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3). A baby is born with about 100 billion brain cells. At birth, brain cells start forming 1 million connections with other neurons—per second! At its peak, the cerebral cortex or gray matter of the brain, which controls higher-level functions such as thinking, language, and memory, creates an astonishing two million new synapses every second! The cerebral landscape dramatically changes in those first years of life as brain highways are formed, excess or unwanted connections are pruned away, and neuronal pathways become insulated for faster processing. In the first year of life, the brain doubles in size. By age three, it’s 80 percent of adult size, and 90 percent grown by age five. This is why childhood is a crucial time for exposing the brain to good [Kid’s Network].
We often begin the Christian experience with a brain programmed in deviant ways. Our habits, thoughts, and daily lives seem far from the kingdom of God. The hope of rebirth comes as God fulfills His promises to us and He begins to write His law on our hearts and minds [“Validity of the Law of God”]. Being born again is the most life-changing opportunity a human can experience. Under the power of the Holy Spirit, radical brain restructuring is possible. Support from others can encourage and strengthen us [A Multitude of Counselors]. However, the key to transformation is understanding what it means to “present our bodies” (Romans 12:1).
You don’t have to spend much time with an infant to realize how vital sleep must be for an expanding brain. Memory consolidation, emotion processing, and cleansing toxins from the brain all occur when we sleep. While unconscious, the brain’s cleaning service, called the glymphatic system, shows up to work. I think of this glymphatic system like the ocean tide that rises at night, bathing brain cells and providing nutrients, while removing waste. Some of this waste is in the form of proteins that accumulate in neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Prioritizing quality sleep is crucial for overall cognitive function and mental health [Sleep - Secrets to Wellness].
The brain dramatically responds to rhythm—the rhythm of wakefulness and sleep, when we eat and don’t eat, and music. Music possesses the ability to reshape neural networks, enhance memory, attention, and learning. It’s so powerful that neuroscientists discourage singing lyrics to music that are not in alignment with core values, since they are more easily imprinted in our brains [3ABN Praise Him Music].
Intermittent fasting pertains to the rest or pause in eating pattern rhythms. Rather than multiple meals a day, giving a 5-hour pause between meals and refraining from nighttime snacking results in enhanced brain function, increased BDNF, improved cerebral blood flow, reduced inflammation, and greater energy production in the brain.
We don’t use the word neuroplasticity very often. It may not seem that relevant. But trust me, it has everything to do with all aspects of our lives. The ability to restructure, grow new brain cells, shut down old patterns, and develop new ones enhances social relationships, flexibility, resilience, memory, creativity, mood, happiness, our ability to change, learn new things, live our best life, and understand God’s word [Salvation in Symbols and Signs]. Scripture speaks of those who have foreheads of brass (Isaiah 48:4). Brass is pretty inflexible at normal temperature. It also speaks of those who are as clay in the Potter’s hands (Isaiah 64:8). When clay absorbs water, living water, it becomes moldable, transformable, neuroplastic, brain-changed.
At 3ABN, we are passionate about sharing the life-changing power of the Gospel, including how God’s Word and science reveal the potential for brain renewal and transformation. Whether it’s overcoming addiction, finding freedom in Christ, or reshaping your life through faith and lifestyle changes, neuroplasticity shows us that true change is not only possible, it’s promised.
To dive deeper into these inspiring stories and discover how God can transform your mind and life, tune in to 3ABN’s life-changing programs. Visit us at 3ABN.tv and be part of this incredible journey of spiritual and physical renewal.