Dr. Richard Hamlet’s Global Ministries Foundation is Innovating Ministry in Memphis and Across the World
Global Ministries Foundation, based in Memphis, Tennessee, was founded by Dr. Richard Hamlet and Mrs. Ginger Hamlet with an innovative goal: to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ into businesses and around the world. Businesses and the workplace are often overlooked mission fields, and Dr. and Mrs. Hamlet have a burning passion for those practitioners in the “marketplace” who need to hear the saving gospel of Jesus and the hope we can find in Jesus Christ. The Hamlets and GMF are on a mission to minister in contexts where people might not otherwise hear the biblical gospel.
GMF was founded as an evangelism and gospel outreach ministry in 2003. Dr. Hamlet has used his gift of proclamation evangelism all over the world. In addition to international crusades, area-wide gospel-fests and outreaches are held throughout the United States. Most events include free food, entertainment, social services, and a message from Dr. Hamlet that clearly explains the gospel to all in attendance. GMF believes that biblical evangelism must be connected to biblical discipleship. In every country in which GMF holds evangelism festivals, Dr. Hamlet works in conjunction with GMF’s local church partners. By doing ministry side by side with them, local Christian leaders can carry on the discipleship process long after the crusades are over.
In 2014, as Dr. Richard Hamlet pondered how to best support Christians who long to make an impact for Christ at their jobs, the idea for ‘Ministry in the Marketplace’ was born. The Ministry in the Marketplace radio show started with the goal of empowering believers to live authentically for Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit in their workplaces or circles of influence.
Ministry in the Marketplace is broadcast across the U.S. and online and features Dr. Richard Hamlet’s practical challenges and exhortations from God’s Word as it pertains to influencing others for Christ. The show also includes interviews with men and women who share their real life stories of how they are stepping out of the box and creatively and courageously impacting their marketplaces around the world. Along with Ministry in the Marketplace, Dr. Richard Hamlet also preaches on the bilingual Marketplace Messages show which delivers a 30-minute message, in both English and Spanish, to encourage believers to live for the Lord and invite unbelievers to begin their relationships with Jesus.
In 2018, God opened the door for GMF to purchase two Memphis Radio stations to bring the good news to Spanish-speaking residents, and since then, Buenas Nuevas FM has expanded to ten radio stations across the U.S. in Memphis, Charlotte, Albuquerque, Jacksonville, Boston, Winston-Salem, and Durham-Raleigh. Buenas Nuevas FM radio stations share the good news of the gospel through music and messages, and serve their respective communities with events for the whole family.
Global Ministries Foundation sponsors over 40 gospel-centered evangelism, church planting, and discipleship ministries in more than 30 different countries. In order to facilitate these missional initiatives, GMF is actively engaged in “business as missions” platforms in real estate (such as low-income housing initiatives with PAC Housing Group) and Christian multimedia. GMF is committed to spreading the good news of Jesus Christ around the world in a broad, inclusive, and holistic manner.
Dr. Richard Hamlet is the Founder and President/CEO of Global Ministries Foundation. He is an international evangelist. He has ministered in nearly 100 countries around the globe preaching the saving Gospel of Christ through different outreach platforms as well as the training of national pastors. Additionally, in countries closed to the Gospel, he uses creative strategies to advance the Gospel, reaching the lost through non-traditional means. He has formerly served as a pastor in churches across Tennessee, Georgia, and Mississippi. He is a Wall Street trained financial professional, with decades of experience working in the Capital markets. In 1997, he was called by God into the pastoral ministry. Since that time, he and his wife Ginger have ministered in almost 100 countries around the globe. They have preached the gospel and equipped indigenous church leaders in the work of ministry.