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Healing power in God’s presence

By Christian Healthcare Ministries

From the moment we took our first breath, there’s been a war waged on our souls. The enemy wants to keep us in bondage, not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well.

That’s why it’s so important to immerse our lives into God’s Word and spend time in His presence. Biblical Scriptures on healing allow us to gain a deeper revelation of God’s character. He’s our ultimate healer. Nothing escapes His notice [Matthew 10:29-31].

Jesus knows every tear we cry, every step we take, and every struggle we face. He tackles the tough moments of life and pours rivers of grace over our hearts. He declares that He restores us , mends our afflictions, and heals us by His stripes at the cross. He heals our scars so we can dream and hope again.

However, it’s often a fight of faith to focus on just how much Christ cares for us. Carrying the heaviness that comes from sickness, grief, trauma, or everyday weariness runs our souls ragged. Under the burden of brokenness, we can forget who He is and who we’re called to become.

But we aren’t alone in the fight of faith. Jesus promises He is with us always [Matthew 28:30]

Bible Scriptures on healing and strength

By focusing on healing Scriptures in the Bible, our perspective changes. We learn how to grow our faith , gain freedom from a broken heart, and have a deeper relationship with Christ. Regardless of our trial, God is faithful.

We may have tried to overcome our battles by “toughing it through,” but without Jesus, we’re not enough. We end up beating ourselves up more in our attempt to soothe our souls. No matter how hard we try, our already bruised and battered hearts can’t comprehend how to rescue ourselves.

The grace He’s already given is the salve for our situation. Our physical or emotional pain can only be shattered by sitting in the stillness of His presence. Scriptures on healing the body, mind, and soul connect us to Christ, our true source of strength.

Healing power of God

In Mark 2:17, Jesus explains that the sick need a doctor, not those who are healthy. In order for Jesus to begin the healing work in our lives, we must first recognize our need for healing. We can try to “clean up” before coming to Christ, but all our attempts fall short. God’s power transcends our human reasoning. His faithfulness, compassion, and grace make no sense to our heads, but resonate with our hearts.

Our spirits long for redemption. In fact, all human history demonstrates our eternal struggle for power, strength, and restoration. We seek solutions in our attempts at happiness and healing, and some of those options are indeed noble and worthwhile. However, when we make those things our sole focus, we miss out on allowing God to be the physician of our lives.

Scriptures on the power of God continually demonstrate His majesty and might. Nevertheless, simply knowing that He cares about us or has all-encompassing strength isn’t enough. He longs to have a relationship with us so we can have new revelations of His love. He longs for those truths to sink from our heads into the depths of our hearts and bring about healing.

As you embark on a journey towards wholeness, know that His timing is perfect. His promises and plans will come to pass, even if we can’t see it yet. Start today by digging into healing Scriptures and be rejuvenated in the presence of His redeeming, world-saving love. He is for you and wants to champion you in every area of your life.

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