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How should we measure our wealth?

By Monetary Metals

One of the reasons we work hard in this life is not just to provide for ourselves, but also to support our communities, give back generously, and leave a legacy for our families.

But how can we know if our wealth is truly growing? Are we sure we’re measuring our wealth correctly? What if the unit of measurement for wealth, i.e. money, is broken?

A broken measurement gives a false reading and can create all sorts of damaging distortions.

Broken Money

For people in countries like Argentina or Venezuela, it’s obvious they’re not suddenly becoming wealthy overnight. The reality is that their currencies are falling. Having a billion Venezuelan bolivars doesn’t make you wealthier.

That’s because using paper currencies to measure wealth can confuse inflation with real gains. As governments issue ever-increasing amounts of their currency, the value diminishes, leading many to mistakenly believe they are accumulating wealth.

Unfortunately, the same thing is happening today in the United States, just more slowly. Not only is our wealth eroded away due to stubborn inflation, but the US dollar system creates damaging economic distortions, enables out-of-control government spending, and encourages rampant investor speculation.

To put it simply, has the value of stocks, bonds, or real estate really increased that much? Or has the unit of account we’ve been using to measure those assets simply decreased in value?

We need honest and accurate money today more than ever. We need gold.

An Honest Solution

Gold has maintained value for thousands of years and is still a reliable store and measure of wealth today.

By measuring your wealth in gold, you get a true sense of whether your wealth is growing, staying the same, or diminishing.

Gold is the closest thing to an economic constant we have in this ever-changing financial world.

By simply dividing your assets by the price of gold, you can gain an accurate understanding of whether your wealth is increasing or being eroded away by inflation.

Having an accurate way to measure your wealth is an important first step. But what about strategies to grow your wealth?

Growing Wealth in an Honest Money

How can you ensure your wealth is growing without constantly worrying about currency devaluation or needing to constantly check the gold price?

The answer is simple: by earning a Yield on Gold, Paid in Gold® through Monetary Metals.

At Monetary Metals, we offer Gold and Silver Fixed Income products (leases and bonds) that deliver a return on your gold and silver holdings, paid in more ounces of physical gold and silver.

This means that not only do your ounces grow over time, but your real wealth grows too--  in accurate units of measurement, namely ounces of gold and silver.

Imagine the peace of mind you’ll have knowing your wealth is not only protected from the inflationary policies of central banks, but actually growing every month thanks to Monetary Metals.

Click here to learn more about how you can start earning a yield on honest money—gold and silver, today. And for those who want to get started immediately, check out the special offer below!

SPECIAL OFFER: Earn 12% on Silver in historic silver bond offering

Monetary Metals has an opportunity available right now in its marketplace to earn a return in silver.

Earn 12% on silver, paid in silver in the first silver bond offering since 1834.

Click here to learn more about this historic opportunity.

Please note the silver bond is available to accredited investors only and there is a minimum investment amount of 1,000 ounces of silver.

The choice is clear: continue to try and save and earn in a currency that is constantly getting devalued or get started earning a return in honest money with Monetary Metals today!

P.S. Over half the silver bond has already been filled and the remaining spots are filling up fast. Don’t wait until it’s too late – secure your spot in the silver bond by clicking here!