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Some of the thoughts in your head are not your own, and you shouldn't listen to them.

By SpiritualDirection.com

"For though we live in the world we are not carrying on a worldly war, for the weapons of our warfare are not worldly but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every proud obstacle to the knowledge of God, and TAKE EVERY THOUGHT CAPTIVE to the obedience of Christ" - 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5

You know that there are battles all around us. But did you know about the battle in—and for—your mind?

We are constantly in a battle for our souls, a fight that is never over. Everyone needs to know about the war in their thoughts and be given the means to fight back.

This new video series, based on Dan Burke’s bestselling book Spiritual Warfare and Discernment of Spirits, will help you in this fight.

In This Free Series Dan Will Teach You About:

  • The Battleground and the Mind: Understanding the Forces of Light and Darkness and How They Drive us to Freedom or Despair
  • Practical Progress in Spiritual Warfare and Hearing the Voice of God
  • The three principal causes of desolation and what you must do when it afflicts your soul
  • Proven methods for moving away from sin and toward self-giving love of God and neighbor.  
  • How as a Christian you have the divine power to break the chains that keep you bound to darkness.
Spiritual Direction

Sign up for the free Spiritual Warfare and Discernment of Spirits Video Series today. Claim the freedom that is yours in Jesus Christ.

Spiritual Warfare and Discernment of Spirits is Dan’s bestselling book! This much needed teaching has already been super impactful, which is why we are so excited about this video series. We can’t wait to see how the Holy Spirit will use it to bring healing and conversion. Want to read the book along with the series? Find it here. 

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